WERE LOSING AMERICA AND NO ONE IN WASHINGTON CARES! AMERICA DROWNING I am currently producing what will be my final and best film. The production quality will be HD-theater worthy. The films objective is to tackle the biggest issues facing America and provide solutions for fixing each of them. The films story line is based on a dream Ive had for a few years and how I fear the dream will one day come to be true -- America as will know it will drown and the future for our kids is destroyed. The DREAM: Going back a few years ago on July 4, there was a real news report that vandals had stolen a bunch of American flags from a bridge. The fear was the flags were tossed into the water and floated out to sea, thus, they were forever lost. Ever since I saw the report, periodically Ive dreamed about finding and saving the flags. The dream always seems to appear whenever I learn of problems that I fear will crush Americas future. I touched upon the dream in a scene for They Come to America II, but I really use it in FIGHTING FOR AMERICA. Here is a small clip from a scene about the perfect storm... when amnesty collides with the Obamacare business mandate. youtu.be/rIwz4-7-wkg To those that continue to support this President, I have to tell you I am completely unable to comprehend your intellect and state of mind. No sane half educated human being and American can not see what is happening under this President. Rather he be incompetent, inept, disconnected or deliberate, none of these reasons are acceptable. He wont destroy this country and protect you, those who gave him this power, and destroy those who didnt. He will take you down with the rest of us yet you remain in your protective bubble of denial and many times, uninformed on what is happening. I am passed the opportunities to dialoque and debate. Because unlike you, I see what is happening and there is no debate. He is destroying the country. So the discussion now is how to save what we have. We unite and we pull together if for no other reason, self-preservation! Obama was the worse mistake that ever happened to this country. If you have remorse, unite, for that is how to repair it. God help this country! Wake the hell up people! Your killing us literally!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:41:11 +0000

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