WERE ON A POLITICAL TEAR AT STREAMS BREATH AND WHEN WE HAVE ONE OF OUR MORE IMPORTANT STATEMENTS TO MAKE, I POST IT HERE DIRECTLY BECAUSE I HAVE SEEN PEOPLE READ MORE HERE THAN CLICKING A LINK: Being Well Informed versus Paranoia and Just Plain Lazy By D Jon Harrison and Amanda James I placed the following on my Facebook a short time ago, about the time that Amanda got hold of me and said she wanted to write a serious political blog, especially after Jax’s work. Jax motivated her. Here is my Facebook post: ******* Gearing up for global war. China has its first aircraft carrier, not yet ready for action. Japan is set to change their post WWII status, allowing them to create offensive wares. They are producing helicopter assault aircraft carriers as fast as they can. India now has 3 aircraft carriers and their military is building fast. Russia is fighting France for its orders of new battle ships, one of which France is reluctant to deliver and yet France is so broke they may well deliver it anyway, even in their disagreement over Crimea. Russia can pound out metal but their electronics abilities are way behind so they are now pumping billions into that effort with their oil profits. Iraq mixed with Ukraine mixed with the South China Sea and all tied to government collapse, new world powers, and an economy based in warfare. Hollywood writers are going to have a lot of fodder in the next decade. ******* I followed it up with the following links to news: Japan set for landmark easing of constitutional limits on military reuters/article/2014/06/27/us-japan-defense-idUSKBN0F20US20140627 Vladimir Putin called: He wants his warships fortune/2014/04/04/vladimir-putin-called-he-wants-his-warships/?xid=tab_top30 Jax mentioned that people now days are over worked and the last thing they want to deal with is political frays. I agree. I also disagree. No, I do not punch a clock and work for someone else. Yes, I put in no less than ten hours a day of research and writing of some kind. That is six to seven days a week. My writers are the same. We do see friends at coffee shops. We do exercises, cook, clean the house, etc. What we do not do is waste our time with Facebook fluff. Once we tend to family and work, we tend to what we know we are supposed to do. In the case of the five of us, (six counting Jax) we know that we are here to inform and teach. In the past I have had a few complaints on Facebook that I place information that isn’t fun. I do some fun stuff too. Most has to do with my children. There has been a move to turn Facebook, Google plus, Twitter and the rest into mindless banter. I have very few friends on Facebook. None do mindless banter but only two of us place information of serious note. I have a select 51 friends. That means that just under 6% of us place items of serious note. Between the three of us, the ‘serious note’ deals with research on men and women, sociology, history, current events, politics and the like. Stream’s Breath blog links go there as well. We do NOT do negative, nor do we do the inane fluff that swamps the internet. We do informed and we do it to defuse paranoia, not create it. D Jon Harrison Amanda James next Now that the intro is done, let’s get some serious items off the table first. 1. Americans are some of the least informed people on the planet 2. Americans have also moved to some of the least read folks on the planet when compared to countries with full educational systems, with one study on the subject stating that 80% of all college graduates never read a book again after attaining their degrees. 3. I have traveled outside of the country a lot. Not in recent years, but a lot and the perception of the average American is that they are not only stupid but they are arrogant and lazy and I find myself not being able to argue with that assessment. Perhaps this is what you might call a naysayer’s view. I am not stupid enough to ignore the fact that this country has a huge educational system and it does create large populations of highly educated and indeed, wise folks. Unfortunately, this is a large nation and that created brain cell mass does not make up for the masses living on Twinkies, Bud and a five hour night of brainless TV before bed. Why did we decide to post this? It’s here for the ones who waver on the edge of wise and educated and “oh, hell, I don’t give a shit”. We give a shit. It’s why we publish books to wake you up. Now, I am not after the Twinkies and beer crowd. It’s far too late for them. I am after the swing group that just might consider that being well informed may prepare them for their next step in life. It won’t help you with the rose garden, but it might keep some of the thorns out of your feet. Amanda James
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 15:31:58 +0000

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