WESTERN LEADERS: Puckering Up To Islams Sword By Audrey - TopicsExpress


WESTERN LEADERS: Puckering Up To Islams Sword By Audrey Russo ISIS beheads high-profile individuals on video...the first response from Western leaders: It has nothing to do with Islam. Islamic Jihadis...al Qaeda in Yemen (AQAP)...storm Paris and murder 12 at Charlie Hebdo (for mocking Muhammed), and 4 Jewish customers in a Kosher market (because they were Jewish)...the first response from Western leaders: It has nothing to do with Islam. Lets get more specific... UK PM David Cameron, following the beheading of British citizen David Haines: They are killing and slaughtering thousands of people... they boast of their brutality... they claim to do this in the name of Islam, that is nonsense, Islam is a religion of peace. They are not Muslims, they are monsters. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, in response to rallies by PEGIDA, or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West: Former president Wulff said Islam belongs to Germany. That is true. I also hold this opinion, Merkel said at a news conference with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. (Funny...I thought Germany was done with fascist ideologies...my bad.) President Obama, singing his same old Islamist tune: ISIL [ISIS] is not Islamic. And, in Sept, 2012 at the UN: The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. (Thats Sharia Islamic Law, by the way.) These leaders are either astoundingly stupid OR lying like a prayer rug... For Mr. Cameron: - Penalty for blasphemy against Allah, Muhammed or Islam: Death. (Quran 6:93; 33:57; 33:61) - Penalty for non-Muslims (who are considered waging war against Allah): Death by Beheading (Quran 5:33; 8:12; 47:4; 9:123; 2:191; 5:45; 2:193; 9:29; 8:17) For Ms. Merkel: - Punishment for slandering Allah and his messenger (Muhammed): Death. (Quran 33:57-61) - Qurans opinion of women: Women contaminate and defile - Quran: Sura (2:222; 4:43; 5:6). Women are inferior to men - Quran: Sura (2:228; 4:11; 4:176; 53:27; 37:149-155), Hadiths: Bukhari (88:219; 48:826; 72:715)/Tabari (IX:113; I:280) Bukhari (6:301; 62:58). A womans testimony is worth half that of a man - Quran: Sura (2:282); Hadith: Bukhari (5:59:462). For Mr. Obama: - ISIS bases its violence on the Quran: Death to infidels and Beheadings (Quran 5:33; 8:12; 47:4; 9:123; 2:191; 5:45; 2:193; 9:29; 8:17) and Enslavement (Quran 33:50; 23:5-6; 4:24; 8:69; 24:32; 2:178; 16:75) - Punishment for slandering the prophet of Islam: Death. (Quran 6:93; 33:57; 33:61) As individuals, these leaders (and other leaders in the West) are free to believe whatever idiocy they like. BUT, their beliefs do not reside in a vacuum. These are the leaders of millions of innocent, freedom-loving people, who deserve integrity and protection from their leaders. Protection for ideologies, such as Islam, and its totalitarian dictates cloaked (burqaed) in religion. And if these deaf dignitaries continue to refuse to locate and assimilate the truth on Islam ... groups like the EDL, PEGIDA and experts like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Raymond Ibrahim, et al: Will be more than happy to cure their impairment! Shalom through strength...
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 07:14:37 +0000

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