WEll, I am guessing by everyones profile and photos that tonight - TopicsExpress


WEll, I am guessing by everyones profile and photos that tonight is the night everyone celebrates Halloween - not sure where all the invites are to join people in some fun - Ive checked all my email folders, including other. Its times like this that just do make me feel ... alone. Not one invite out on a party night! Anyway, not to dwell on it, enough things to worry about, but puts things that much more in perspective... So.... HUGE THANK YOU to Ladan and Ken Miller, to Rose and Steve Smith and to Robert Urban. This morning I was up bright and early (is there anything different, although it wasnt bright it was still dark lol) I sorted dogs out, poop patrol and then got straight to it - I took all the fencing down from the side of the house / field - ready for when the workers (Ladan, Ken and Robert) got here, how impressed would they be :) It was a bit of a challenge since the dogs can still get through under the separating fence, but I managed to keep them all under control and was actually pretty bloody impressed with myself. Perfect timing had it - as I had just about finished and was just pulling pins out of posts Ladan and Ken arrived.. yayaaa We got straight to it and the side fence, down to the vehicle gate was up. Robert arrived of course he was immediately put to work helping. The gates were put on correctly, the side one they all get out of fixed, concrete under to stop them getting under, fence put on them to measure up against the fence and to deter jumping over, of climbing through (in puppies instance) The fence re-postitioned and put up correctly from the house to the field, It was none-stop work and fixing things as we went along. in the middle of this Rose and Steve arrived from Houston - they are our FIRST volunteers on the FOSTER to TRAIN program - they hope to be a part of giving a veteran and his family a great help in the New Year - GRACIE Yes after all the messing around we had with the fiasco with her going to be trained for a young lady in Houston, I will talk more on that later, to open your eyes to how some dog training organisations work, no ethics, no morals, wouldnt know about their standards.... but GRACIE has LEFT the PACK and is going to have a few days to settle in and to get used to living with FIVE cats, and then if all is well on the home front, she will begin her training and the most important thing, being exposed to as many different places, smells, noises and sounds as possible. Houston is a great place for that to happen and we have already discussed lots of places and ideas for Rose and Steve to work with GRACIE. Its going to be great and GRACIE is going to have so much fun. Then you think that is GOOD NEWS - Rose had fallen in love with ROBYN and I tell you, when I went to get ROBYN I warned Steve and Rose that she takes time to warm up to people .. well ROBYN showed them that I clearly do not have a clue what I am talking about as she had gone almost straight up to both of them, was giving them so many kisses, climbing up on their knees for some more loving - it was beautiful and amazing to see. Rose did notice she had a lump in her throat swollen something, with it being weekend no vets were open, so Rose will be taking her to get her checked out, she hasnt been acting or looks sick so hopefully it is something and nothing. SO. GRACIE and ROBYN set off to their new life (GRACIE temporary) in Houston, it was wonderful and of course sad, but both dogs deserve it for sure. So, a VERY PRODUCTIVE day for sure, we didnt get round to fixing anything in the house, but that is ok, the outside keeps the dogs contained so that is priority. I need to get another roll of fencing to get that back fence done, and then get all the wood that is piled up moved and stacked neatly, there is a lot of chain link fencing that was from the previous owners that is a mess and needs sorting and clearing out. But that will be another day. Right now, Im sat on the bed, I have smelly feet as Ive had my thick socks and wellys (rubber boots) on all day and its been hot. My pack and some of the others are hanging out on the front and the rest are either in the house running around crazy with the pal alto pups, or hanging outside in the nice cool weather. HOPING more than anything no sirens in the distance are heard tonight - TWICE last night I had 60 dogs howling at bloody sirens - 1.30am and 3am, I was not happy, but its a neighbourhood dog deal, just my dogs howl the loudest lol. So the pack once again learn how to play nicely with the puupy pack, the older puppies, have their turn to mouth the little pups, what was happening to them not so long ago - its very sweet to see how they all interact. Once again HUGE thank you to everyone out today. Jodi and Michael were involved in a car accident last night, which totalled their car, they were not injured but obviously shook up, so took some time off to recover and spend time with their pack family today, but we still appreciate them as I know they would have been here had that not happened. FAITH is doing great, SERGEANT is still tending to her needs, bless them, they remind me of how ZELDA and REX used to be lol. HARLEY is doing great, I will update photos when Tammy has had chance to take and send some - we still owe over $200 on his bill, infact I think more like $300 (need to check the fundraiser) please if you can help us pay this off it would be a huge help. Enjoy your halloween parties. :-)
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 02:34:56 +0000

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