WFK!!! Ron on SYMPATHY - total b.s.! It is not news to anyone - TopicsExpress


WFK!!! Ron on SYMPATHY - total b.s.! It is not news to anyone who has been keeping an eye on my posts to know that I have transitioned from weeding out alterations in the new materials when compared to the originals to scrutinizing Rons ideas themselves as laid out in his materials. So far I have developed disagreements and my own views in the area of PTS/SP mechanism, overt-motivator-justification and sec checking as tools for mind control, a deeper understanding of psychosis which I have not posted about, and just now I took a look at another concept in Scientology concerning SYMPATHY, and I am simply shocked! It appears just like in many other areas, Ron again lays emphasis on overts and basically tells us that sympathy is a bad and highly aberrative thing to experience. Here are some entries from the dictionary: Sympathy follows or is based upon overt action by the preclear. Sympathy can be mechanically considered as the posing of any emotion so as to be similar to the emotion of another. (AP&A, p. 23) 3. sympathy is a co-flow, it’s sort of a co-beingness. One individual goes onto the wave-length of another individual. (PDC 23) 4. “I am him” which is what sympathy is; it’s a low level interchange of energy. So what Ron is telling us here that in order to experience sympathy, you have to have committed an overt act against at least a similar being. How did he come up with this horsesh*t?! How about just feeling bad that the other being is not surviving or experiencing some trauma and wanting to help? So if I actually feel something for the suffering of other beings, it means I am the criminal one with overts against them? WFK! Does this make any freaking sense?! Where did this man - Ron - come up with such ideas? Why was he so obsessed with overts presenting it as cause for just about anything HE deemed undesirable - leaving, criticizing (Ron), feeling empathy over the sufferings of others... I cant believe it. I totally soaked up this datum about sympathy thinking there is something wrong with me that I am concerned about the suffering of other beings and that somehow I shouldnt be... No, it is right to be concerned about others, and this is what motivated me to write a lot of KRs about out-points in the Church and then do so much work on my website to try and do something about this situation in the Church because I am concerned that so many people are being lied to, defrauded, and having their survival seriously undermined... while I have definitely met plenty of apathetic or callous attitudes in Scientology universe of people that just dont seem to care or even begin to antagonize against you if you do. Oh my God... Here is yet another factor in Scientology aimed to inducing psychosis - instead of showing empathy and trying to help those that may be facing a difficult time, indoctrinated Scientologists instead are likely to have a failure in perception and react with antagonism against those in need because they cannot allow themselves to feel sympathy and become infected with a supposedly low tone level. This is just unbelievable... Here goes your affinity, here goes your humanity, and here goes your 1. Never desert a comrade in need, in danger or in trouble. And on the point of ARC - communication and reality (agreement) are already strained/inhibited under a host of policies surrounding PTS/SP... I know its an emotional post, but it is just amazing to me - the extent of insidiousness contained in Scientology technology itself. One has to wonder that anything actually worked before where people were getting better and happier... or whatever.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 03:31:22 +0000

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