WGM Klaudia Kulon convincing in Wroclaw The 4th Women Grandmaster - TopicsExpress


WGM Klaudia Kulon convincing in Wroclaw The 4th Women Grandmaster Chess Tournament Memorial of Krystyna Holuj-Radzikowska took place on 10-18th December, 2014, at the Chess Club KSz Polonia Wrocław, in Wroclaw, the largest city in western Poland. The tournament was organized by the Polish Chess Federation, Chess Club KSz Polonia Wrocław and Lower Silesian Chess Federation in a 10-player female round-robin format with an average Elo rating 2406. The lowest rated WGM Klaudia Kulon, 2014 University world chess champion for women, emerged a clear winner with 6/9 points, fulfilling her second IM norm. Klaudia had an impressive 3/3 finish to lift the trophy. Another Polish player WGM Karina Szczepkowska-Horowska took the second position with 5,5 points after leading throughout the whole tournament. Third place was shared in a three-way tie by IM Lilit Mkrtchian (Armenia), IM Nastassia Ziaziulkina (Belarus) and GM Monika Socko (Poland) with 5/10 points each, but Mkrtchian prevailed on a better tie-break score and took the bronze. You can see the full standings and enjoy the photo report below. Tournament website/ More information about the participants/ Round 1 report + photos from Wroclaw The opening ceremony included wooden pawns that represented the numbers for drawing of lots The tournament was inaugurated by Polish dignitaries, who made the first move in the game Lilit Mkrtchian – Jolanta Zawadzka The game Kulon – Socko finished in favor of the tournament winner. However, every player received SPARK jewelries made with Swarovski elements right before the round The closing ceremony took place during the 2014 European Rapid & Blitz Chess Championship for men, that was also held in Wroclaw. Polish GM Mateusz Bartel introduced the players and the guests of honor Kulon, Szczepkowska and Mkrtchian took the best three prizes, together with a chess piece trophy However, every participants was satisfied with the tournament, because of the friendly spirit and excellent organization The champion is given an interview… … and was awarded one more prize for becoming WGM during the last FIDE Congress – SPA weekend in one of the most famous Polish resorts Final standings: 1. WGM Kulon Klaudia 2332 POL 6 2. WGM Szczepkowska-Horowska Karina 2398 POL 5.5 3. IM Mkrtchian Lilit 2450 ARM 5 4. IM Ziaziulkina Nastassia 2427 BLR 5 5. GM Socko Monika 2470 POL 5 6. WGM Videnova Iva 2379 BUL 4.5 7. WGM Zawadzka Jolanta 2419 POL 4 8. IM Vega Gutierrez Sabrina 2405 ESP 3.5 9. IM Matnadze Ana 2411 ESP 3.5 10. WGM Bartel Marta 2366 POL 3 chessdom/?p=41036
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 13:44:08 +0000

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