WHAT A BITTER IRONY MY DEAR USI COMMUNITY PEOPLE! “They came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. And then they came for me and by that time no one was left to speak up.” — Rev. Martin Niemoeller, a Protestant minister in Nazi Germany, in 1945 I never knew that the future I always talked about when Papa J.A Akinola was robbed of his Chairmanship ticket that was given to him by the people by Mr T.A Aina of Ilogbo Ekiti with the backing of Governor Fayose then will come back to haunt Usi community so soon. The day light mandate robbery of Pa J.A Akinola’s Chairmanship ticket was a brutally sad commentary in the political history of my community. They came first for the Communists, and we didn’t speak up because we were not Communists. We kept quite then? Only few of us were left with Papa Akinola to lick our wounds. I was libeled “ awon omo Papa Akinola” . It was so sad then because all our supposed political leader in Usi community kept quiet, … when they came for the Jews, and we didn’t speak up because we weren’t Jews, we failed to see the BIG PICTURE; that if we let go of what belongs to our community because of individual and parochial interest of some of our leaders then, that shadow of the issue will haunt us for life! Papa Akinola was left alone in the cold! Sadly too, those that were fighting with him to retrieve his mandate from lord Fayose were outsiders from neighbouring communities. The rest like they used to say is now history! Papa Akinola was robbed; his landslide victory at the primary was given to Mr T. A Aina of Ilogbo Ekiti who came distance second! Let me say this for posterity and history sake, I have no hatred for Ilogbo as a community; my friends in Ilogbo are so numerous to count! As a matter of fact, the “firstborn” of my house, Uncle Tee Adewa, is the firstborn of my house from another mother and father hails from Ilogbo Ekiti! That is how close Ilogbo is to me and very dear to my heart as a community. My only problem is that I will NEVER NEVER at the expense of USI EKITI subscribe to a scheme of any agenda that will place the super interest of my community under any other community! Never! Never!! Never!!! And in like manner, I cannot subscribe to any political arrangement that will make me to leave an aspirant from my community (no matter the political divide and differences) to support another candidate from another community while I will leave my own kinsman in the cold. My interest on issues of political development and advancement of my community has never been on a personal pivot! I have always been so conscious of my name, my community interest and collective goodwill of my state and nation at large! And I will never betray it! I read very passionate piece of my very good friend, Kayode Ojo, and how bitter he was (and still is) concerning the brewing rumour that some leaders in Usi PDP are about ditching Usi candidate to support Mr T.A Aina in the forthcoming 2015 House of Representative Primary election under instruction by Governor Fayose. My first reaction came with was an exclamation! WHY AGAIN?! I have no problem with the latter day’s disciple of Akinolaism. Kayode Ojo, my very good friend has spoken well, I can feel the pain he felt and very reasonable Usi indigenes should feel like that. How I wished we have vehemently opposed the wickedness meted on Papa Akinola in those days and Usi community at large then, the recent ugly trend that is now brewing its ugly head would not have happened! … Then they came for the trade unionists, and we didn’t speak up because we are not trade unionists. And very soon, if nothing is done … Then they will come for the Catholics, and we will still not speak up because we are Protestants. And then they will come for YOU (us) and by that time no one will be left to speak up.” I Adedayo Omojola, will not support any agenda against my community that I have laboured for all my life to promote. We shall together fight against this issue. Usi progress is my common goal. No matter my affinity with anybody, I cannot betray my community in the name of political supportership. As for the WAY FORWORD…I will communicate my opinion shortly.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 17:24:17 +0000

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