WHAT A CARING MOM I HAVE. Thanks mom. MOM; Im worried about you - TopicsExpress


WHAT A CARING MOM I HAVE. Thanks mom. MOM; Im worried about you David! ME; Ummm.... Why?! MOM; Youre alone most of the time! Youre always in your room or sitting alone outside! Dont you have friends?! Even at college?! ME; Well...., I do have friends and they love me and all but I just prefer keep my distance from people! MOM; I know people can be stressful sometimes and we must always limit the number of those whom we so call friends but to you it seems as if you dont want or even have any (at least those whom I know) look at your brothers, they all have bunch of friends, they come over here and make a mess and sometimes I have to chase they with a broom (chuckles) but I havent seen any of your friends yet! Not since you were first grade. So, whats happening with you?! Talk to me! ME; (chuckles) Nothing mom! As I say before I love and enjoy my tranquility most than anything. MOM; But your brothers... ME; My brothers are nothing like me! Theyre extroverts, Im an introvert! They like and enjoy to be surrounded by people, they love company and attention, I dont!! Theyre like stars, Im not! And believe me I wouldnt want to be!! I love my life the way it is! I do as Im told at a specific time! And you all love me for that! I do have friends but lets just say, Im not that much close to them! I have my best friend but hes far from here, so dont think that I dont have friends coz I do mom! Its just I dont socialize much with them! Its not coz Im shy or anything! I just dont know what to talk about with them! Most of the things which I like to do or talk about sounds kinda lame to many people of my age! I love science and nature! Now tell me wholl want to listen to me talking about nature with them?! Umm... And you know me well mom! It takes me a while to trust someone! Its really hard for me! I know many might say that Im the one whose making it hard but theyre just saying that coz theyre not me and they dont know how it feels to be me! All Im asking is a simple understanding! I have friends and believe me, I love them so much but most of the time I just need my own space, something which many dont accept or like and they end up considering me as a snob! They just dont know and they choose to not know thats why they end up thinking like that about me!! I dont blame them mostly because they dont have any impact in my life! But mom, I would really really love if I could be understood more than judged! But again, Im cool with it coz I know that my dad and you loves me! And our family is all that Ive got and all that I need to feel happy and complete. So please, dont think that I dont have friends! I do! And when the time is right Ill meet with them and even invite them home! I hope thats well settled!! MOM; Sure is! Damn, you can make hell of a speech boy! But nevertheless, Ive understood you and I love you no matter which path you choose to go Ill always be there to guide and support you!! ME; Thanks mom. :-)
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:44:57 +0000

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