WHAT A HORRIBLE EXPLANATION OF THE GOSPEL! The purpose of the - TopicsExpress


WHAT A HORRIBLE EXPLANATION OF THE GOSPEL! The purpose of the story of the Prodigal Son is not for the purpose of how God saves sinners. The purpose is to expose the hard-hardeness of the older brother, the Pharisees who grumbled that Jesus received sinners. Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him. And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.” So he told them this parable: Luke 15:1-2 The purpose of the parable is to expose the sin of the older son, the Pharisees. Yes there is some application regarding God forgiving sinners, but that is not the point of the parable. So what I take away from this video is that God loves us so much that he made a way for all of us to come back to him. BUT, we must take the first step. God is waiting for us with open arms. He is not angry with us. He has no anger or wrath, only love and affection. He cannot save us until we decide to make that first step, and THEN he will save us. But if we do not take that first step, he will send us to hell. And since God loves us so much and is not angry with us then as he is casting us into hell, He will be weeping as he says, I loved you and wanted to save you! But I couldnt because you would not take the first step. I love you SO much and since you did not take the first step I am gong to pour out my wrath on you for all eternity. OK? So am I the only one that finds that utterly ridiculous? God actually pours out wrath on people that he loves? Isnt that why Jesus died on the cross? So that God would not have to pour out his wrath on people that he loves and sent Jesus to die for? So did God fail? Or is there something more powerful than God? Is there something that God cannot overcome to save the ones he loves? According to this video there is, and it is mans free will. God can do anything BUT, violate the will of sinful rebellious men. When you take Arminian Theology to its logical conclusion, you end up with an impotent God who is not able to save those that Christ died for. This is no Gospel at all! His name shall be called Jesus, for He WILL save his people from their sin. Matthew 1:21. https://youtube/watch?v=xaijlgj2yBI
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 18:20:14 +0000

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