WHAT A JOY! I wish I went to heaven and that you were there with - TopicsExpress


WHAT A JOY! I wish I went to heaven and that you were there with me,and then someone came along and said, friend,do you remember me now? You used to teach in our Church,and you taught us to observe godly principles. And thats how I met Jesus in my life. And then he said, Pst C C,thank you for coming around,I was a life that was changed because you came. Thank you, Im so glad that you came. While he was still speaking,another fellow came with some saints and said, Bless you brother.Do you remember me now? You used to give offerings,tithes and special armsgivings for the gospel and missionaries. And thats how I was able to do missionary with joy.These are the souls that were won because you gave And then they all sang saying, Brother Issy,thank you for giving to the LORD. We are the lives that were saved because you gave. We are so glad that you gave! As they chanted these glorious melody,two people came,a woman and a young man. The woman said, My P, I was one of the ladies that attempted seduction on your life,with the fat promise of monetary satisfaction but you resisted,even when you were almost a perpetual homeless preacher,moving about from house to house, because of the Cross and the Crown. And then you warned me to desist from such deadly venture,or I would face the wrath of God. That was how I gave my life to Christ,and now heaven at last. Thank you for resisting the pressures of sinful pleasures. I am a life that was converted because you did. Then the young man began to cry,saying My P,you sure must have forgotten my face. I was of the notorious guys that attacked you on the 22nd of December 2012,on whose brutal act you almost lost your life and sight. But then,instead of getting the police involved as adviced,you forgave me,prayed for me and led me to Christ. And now,here I am with the Saints lifting holy hands in joyful acclaimation. Thank you for giving me to the LORD and not to the police. I am a life that was saved because you did WHAT A JOY! You never can know the Joy that will fill heaven on that day when believers who made it remember how they endured so much for Jesus and His Cross. Vistas of unimagined beauty will burst through their side as they glanced through the years of agonies that they overcame by the words of their testimonies. What experience have you had for the sake of Jesus? Would you share with us? Sure,it would encourage someone. Wont it? You will not miss heaven at last.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 07:47:45 +0000

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