WHAT A PEICE OF HOT, BAKED SH!T bill de blasio is!!! On TV right - TopicsExpress


WHAT A PEICE OF HOT, BAKED SH!T bill de blasio is!!! On TV right now, labeling every NYPD officer a flaming racist! Not ONE f@cking shred of evidence that Eric Garner was killed because he was black! A panel of citizens found there was no wrongdoing by officer Daniel Pantaleo in the death of Garner! But f@ck that says our mayor! Guilty! AND racist! THIS is the reason why this black and white bullsh!t will go on and on and on! Because POS like de blasio, an elected official whos supposed to represent ALL his constituents, is going to keep recycling the race card EVERY TIME sh!t doesnt work out a certain way! Facts be damned! Did officer Pantaleo kill him because hes black??? Was that determined by de blasio himself? Or his fair and balanced henchman, Al Sharpton? This cop didnt even racially profile! Garner was observed BREAKING THE LAW!! Sure, it was a misdemeanor which makes Eric Garners decision to resist even that much more dumbfounding. Did anyone see the WHOLE video? With cops pleading with Garner for 5 minutes to surrender peacefully?? Or did you see the 12 seconds the sc^mbag news stations showed you? I aint happy because Eric Garner is dead! I understand racism works both ways! Im sure there are a lot of repugnant Caucasians celebrating tonight because another black guy got what was coming to him! When does all that end? And when does the statute of limitations of Americas past transgressions expire? Does it ever? I never owned ANYBODY!!! I couldnt even fathom doing that. Ive never even wronged someone because of their skin color! Black, white, brown - I dont give a f@ck! You like me - I like you! But Im sooooo f@cking tired of the race card being played by malignant demagogues who want to fabricate reality to get their point across. Move on you f@cking imbeciles!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 23:53:21 +0000

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