WHAT A WEEK - FILED WITH INCREDIBLE HIGHS AND LOWS - First of all I would like to say that I post this to share it with my family and friends who care to see it. I dont post it as any kind of brag and my close friends know this is true. I post it rather to share it as a way of trying to show you all how grateful and humbled in my heart that I am. The first photo was taken at the whisky a go-go on Thursday September 25th at the Los Angeles Music Awards Nominations and Voting Party. We received a Certificate of Nomination that night for BEST MUSIC VIDEO for our video of the song, DROWNING ON AIR directed and produced by Gary Cox. It was really cool picking up the Nominations Certificate at the podium at the Whisky A Go Go. Unfortunately our video didnt win the award but we would like to congratulate the band, PUNCH CABBIE for winning the award with their video, SENTIENCE. On Wednesday November 12th I flew to California to attend the LA Music Awards / Phoenix Music Awards at the Avalon Theater in Hollywood. The rest of the band were unable to attend unfortunately. On that night ST. MADNESS did receive the Phoenix Music Award for Producers Choice Award for - Metal Band of the Year for 2014. It was really cool to get to share that moment at the podium with good friends Tommy Gibbons who picked up the Phoenix Music Award for - Rock Guitarist of the Year for 2014 and Johnny James Provenzano III who I have known since the mid 1990s. It was also great to have my friend Will Thompson come to the award show and share the moments with me as well. Actors Danny Trejo - Linda Blair and John Savage also received awards as well as Black Sabbath drummer Bill Ward (who was unable to attend). Dan Crenshaw accepted the award for Bill Ward. Dan Crenshaw also received the Los Angeles Music Award for National Touring Artist of the Year. Then 2 days later an amazing NEW exhibit opened up at the Tempe History Museum called The Tempe Sound that features all kinds of great tempe bands from over the years including The Gin Blossoms - THE PHUNK JUNKEEZ - Walter Richardson - Meat Puppets - Roger Clyne & The Peacemakers - beats the hell out of me - Waylon Jennings - Dead Hot Workshop - Hans Olson - The Refreshments and many more. ST. MADNESS also has been given a special place in this exhibit and when I saw it my heart melted. 35 years in Metal Music but I will still never get used to receiving awards or being placed in a Historical Museum just for doing what I love. I thank all present and former members of Crown of Thorns / St. Madness for this cause without you none of this would be happening. Many heartfelt THANKS to Al Bowman - Josh Roffler and everyone at the Los Angeles Music Awards and Tempe History Museum for these great honors. To be completely honest I am just numb from it all but please know that I am humbled and deeply grateful for everything.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 20:57:04 +0000

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