WHAT ABOUT THIS? THE YOUNGEST CRIMINAL IN THE HISTORY OF NIGERIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER, (Young, Dashing, & Corrupt RT. HON. OLADIMEJI SABUR BANK-OLE-THIEF) Joy knew no bounds when a youthful, handsome, vigorous, and US-trained Dimeji Sabur Bankole became the speaker of the House of Representatives in April, 2003. The lower chamber of the Nigerian National Assembly was just digging itself out of the chasm of sleaze dug by previous Speaker Patricia Etteh. People thought getting rid of the allegedly corrupt hair-dresser Etteh, who accidentally became the speaker in the midst of well-educated Nigerians in that chamber, was the best thing for the country. Unknown to Nigerians, the reportedly corrupt Ettes evil they knew was better than the new Speaker Bank-Ole evil they didn’t know. Born on November 14, 1969, Bankole, a native of Abeokuta, Ogun State, enshrined himself in the lows and highs of corruption while his tenure lasted as the speaker of the House. The former speaker was arrested by the Nigerian Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC. The EFCC traced an amount of one billion US dollar to a domiciliary account maintained through proxy by Bank-Ole at the United Bank of Africa, UBA. Bank-Ole, who stepped down from the speakership, after losing woefully at the polls due to non-performance, was arrested by the EFCC to answer some unfriendly questions. A litany of charges, including fraud, gross abuse of office, misappropriation, money laundering, inflation of contracts, and more contemptible charges are said to be waiting for the former speaker. Previously, Bankole was involved in a N2.3 billion car scam. The former speaker purchased some outrageously-invoiced 407 Peugeot cars for the House of Representatives back in 2008. Bankole was also accused of N9 billion capital budget misuse between 2008 and 2009. If you think Bank-Ole long list of alleged contempt against his Fatherland has ended, think again. Additionally, the former speaker also spent over N52 billion as travel expenses in 2009. What did they do to him when it came to the open that Bankole used the House of Representatives account to take a loan of N10 billion. The loan was purportedly taken separately in the following order N1.5 billion, N2.5 billion, and N6 billion. BANK-OLE IS A PRISON CANDIDATE, BANK-OLE IS A DISGRACE TO OGUN STATE YOUTHS, AND NIGERIAN YOUTHS... ANYBODY, ASSOCIATION/ORGANISATION, POLITICAL PARTY WHO SUPPORT BANK-OLE AMBITION WILL BE CURSED FOR HIS OR HER ENTIRE LIFE. WE SAY NO TO BANK-OLE IN OGUN STATE. https://facebook/saynotobankolethiefinogun?ref=hl
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 09:12:34 +0000

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