WHAT AILS NIGERIA? Posted by: Segun Gbadegesin in The Nation - TopicsExpress


WHAT AILS NIGERIA? Posted by: Segun Gbadegesin in The Nation Newspaper Opalaba once said that the most dreadful disease that an individual may be afflicted with is shamelessness, the inability to experience shame. I think he is right because while there is medication for dealing with, if not curing most other dreadful diseases, there is none for shamelessness. A nation is a collection of individuals and multi-nations are collections of nations. But while there is a common denominator of individuals, the nation is more than the collection of individuals that makes it up and therefore the most dreadful disease that ails an individual isn’t necessarily the same as that which ails the nation or multi-nation. I hate to do it, but let’s ignore the sage for a moment, put all semantics aside, and assume for the purpose of this dialogue that Nigeria is a nation. Sure, it is a nation of nations, a multi-nation. All that we need to establish from this is that Nigeria is not Opalaba—not an individual entity. Therefore the disease that ails Nigeria is not the same as that which ails Opalaba. And even if the disease of shamelessness ails some or many its members and their leaders, it cannot be validly inferred that shamelessness ails Nigeria as a nation. What then is the most dreadful disease that ails Nigeria as a nation? Let us consider some notoriously famous candidates: leadership, followership, poverty, inequality, sinfulness (godlessness), and diversity. This is by no means exhaustive; but they suffice for my purpose which is to show that none of them qualifies as the most dreadful ailment that afflicts Nigeria. Leadership is important and I have also argued in several column entries that in the life of a nation, “leadership matters.” A visionless leadership ruins a nation while a visionary one builds it up. It was Chief Awolowo’s leadership that gave the Southwest a head start. And because we have not been blessed with that kind of leadership at the centre since the beginning of the republic, we are where we are. Still inefficient and ineffective leadership is not the most dreadful disease because there is a cure for it, especially in a democracy. If a republic suffers from bad leadership it has the means of correcting it and effecting a change that it needs. This is where followership comes in. It has been suggested that Nigeria doesn’t have a problem of leadership; rather its problem is that of followership. The proposition makes a lot of sense. As I have just argued in the last paragraph a republic has options with citizen participation in the choice of leaders. That is what elections are for. But a nation that is afflicted with the disease of followership cannot get its act together to secure an effective cure for the disease of leadership. And it ends up replicating and multiplying delinquents as leaders. We have had this demonstrated incontrovertibly at many levels in the short history of Nigeria. Still followership is not the most dreadful disease. The disease of followership is attributable to certain curable causes which include poverty and ignorance both of which facilitate the onset of the disease of inequality. It follows that if we eliminate the cause, we may effectively eliminate the disease. We cannot here avoid reference to the sage again, for he had the foresight to know what the country needed to make progress. He zeroed in on investment in public education to cure the disease of poverty and ignorance, and improve the condition of followership. If we followed the sage’s prescription, we would not now have 69% of Nigerians living below poverty line as reported by the African Development Bank, or over 40 million citizens unemployed according to the information volunteered by Dr. Christopher Kolade, the Chairman of Subsidy Reinvestment Programme (SURE-P). Of course, without a good educational programme, mass ignorance is assured, and a nation denies itself the availability of human talents for the initiation of development projects and without a critical mass of those projects, there can be no employment opportunities. But mass ignorance does more than make development impossible. It also makes impossible the critical reflections on one’s condition, which is the first step towards seeking change and improvement. Many of our social ills have been attributed to the trio of ignorance, poverty, and inequality. Thus, religious or ethnic militancy has been considered as having a direct causal relationship with these three ailments. This is in keeping with the common belief that a hungry man is an angry man, and it is true that the devil finds work for the idle hand. So sinfulness or godlessness is a direct result of poverty even in the case of those committing atrocities in the name of God. But as I have argued above, with the right remedies in place, these are curable diseases and the most proven of those remedies is a good educational system combined with an employment strategy that guarantees good livelihood that promotes human dignity. In Nigeria today, all the various ailments discussed above can be cured if we didn’t have a more serious ailment. Our sister nations succeeded where we failed. Brazil is one of the most recent success stories. I listened to a Morning Edition radio program on my way to work this week on how Brazilians moved from a mostly poverty-ridden country to a nation of middle and upper classes. Brazilians used to wait five months to secure interviews for visa to the United States of America. Now they wait for two days and the interviews last only a few minutes. This is because the Consulate knows that Brazilians have the money to spend in the US. Diversity is the last on my list. And though it moves us closer to the most dreadful ailment, diversity itself is not our disease. The United State of America is a country that makes its diversity its strength. The most dreadful disease that afflicts Nigeria as a nation is a genetic one; it is a birth disorder. But that is not the worse part. Birth disorders can be corrected with genetic modification. The most serious of our ailment is denial. We are in self-denial about our ailment. And a nation in denial will continue to suffer under the burden of self-deception and a failure to acknowledge that it is on the road to self-annihilation. Now, let me come back to the assumption I made at the inception of this discussion. I suggested that we ignore the sage and assume that Nigeria is a nation. I now want to say that we do so at our peril. But that is what we have done in the last forty years. We even abused him when he dared to suggest that Nigeria is a geographical expression, andbrought it up over and over again to scuttle his political ambition. Yet the truth is that our actions and attitude have never proved him wrong. Indeed, the individuals and groups that deny Awolowo’s conscientious declaration in public, urge it in the privacy of their ethnic conclaves. We are a nation of hypocrites and charlatans. We have managed to deceive ourselves about the authenticity of our claim to nationhood status. However, if we sincerely bring our private sentiments to bear on the dialogue about what the country needs to move forward, we would zero in on our denial and we would make the necessary constitutional arrangements to bring us into a more perfect union. Until then, we are only day-dreamers and shadow chasers.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 07:58:24 +0000

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