WHAT ARE THE PARAMETERS USED TO GRADE ONE OF THE ABANDONED, MARGINALIZED, DEPRIVED DISTRICTS (KONO DISTRICT) AMONG THE FAVORITES DISTRICT (MAKENI, BO AND KENEMA)?? AMENITIES CENTRAL GOVERNMENT SUPPOSED TO ESTABLISH IN KONO DISTRICT WERE THEY IN PLACE WHEN EXECUTING YOUR TASKS – MR. RICH CONTEH? MR GOVERNMENT DO YOU WANTS THE KONO PEOPLE TO KILL THEMSELVES, BECAUSE YOU HAVE ESTABLISHED MANY HIDDEN STRATEGIES FOR US TO BE AT EACH OTHERS THROATS. The ploy against KONO continues: Before the WAR, NONE of the regional headquarters towns were challenging Koidu, despite the successive governments abandoned and deliberately deprived Kono district of her own fear shares of the resources. Government used the resources to build the regional headquarter towns to march with Koidu town, which was difficult for them. The WAR was used to destroy Kono district to ashes as per planned because all strategies failed them, after destroying Kono district, donors sent funds to rebuild one of destroyed district (Koidu town) but diverted to personal accounts and upgraded the regional headquarter towns. What Kono district gained, the name: Koidu City to courage the Kono people. We expect the government to develop one of the deprived and abandoned district (KONO DISTRICT) contributing the highest resources in the consolidated fund, instead deliberately ignored the district and established DIVIDE and RULE among our politicians which as filtered down to the grassroots people. KONO PEOPLE LET US GO TO THE DRAWING BOARD AND STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHERS. 1. Are we aware of the facts that they succeeded in destroying our district, which for long the failed to accomplish? 2. Since the named Koidu as a city, are we privileged to the same funds government (s) sent to Makeni, BO and Kenema for development and we are contributing the highest? 3. Grading Koidu City Council and District Council as the least performed councils in the country, amenities (for instance, paved roads, pipe borne water, electricity, good medical facilities, University etc,) which central government supposed to establish in Koidu City have they done as they have done to the other cities? 4. Are we aware of the facts that the same divide and rule established among our politicians, since they wants us to continue to be at each other’s throats for them not to do anything worth in Kono, they have also included Kono in their grading processes because they know we are abandoned and deprived of our wealth which is clear that Kono will be in the last position so that we continue to attack our brothers and sisters? The lists continue, 5. According to some people, that Richard Conteh did the grading, ok. Despite what the city council and district council does in terms of development, the Amenities central government supposed to establish in Koidu City are the available in Koidu? Which parameters Richard Conteh and the government which has failed the Kono people and established DIVIDE AND RULE among the Kono people when none of the above is in Koidu? So I am of the conviction that this people want us to take arms for each other to fight, where police will be instructed to do the finishing.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:19:10 +0000

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