WHAT CAN BELIZE LEARN FROM THIS? A Proposal for a new - TopicsExpress


WHAT CAN BELIZE LEARN FROM THIS? A Proposal for a new Constitution for the Republic of Iceland March 24th 2011. The Alþingi (anglicised as Althing or Althingi) is the national parliament (literally: [the] all-thing, or general assembly) of Iceland. It is one of the oldest extant parliamentary institutions in the world. The Althing was founded in 930. Article 48. Independence of members of Althingi Members of Althingi are exclusively bound by their conviction and not by instructions from others. Article 50. Registration of interests and disqualification A member of Althingi may not participate in the deliberation of a matter before Althingi that concerns him substantially or those closely connected to him. The qualification of members of Althingi shall be laid down by law. The disqualification of a member of Althingi shall not have an effect on the validity of laws passed. The duty of members of Althingi to provide information on their financial interests shall be laid down by law. Article 51. Contributions to candidates and their associations Rules governing the activity of political associations shall be laid down by law, as well as the finances of candidates for the purpose of keeping costs moderate, ensuring transparency and limiting advertising in an election campaign. Information on contributions in excess of a certain minimum amount shall be published instantly according to further decrees by law. Article 70. Right of the fiscal budget committee to information The fiscal budget committee of Althingi can demand information from state agencies, state enterprises and others receiving appropriations from the Treasury that are related to the disposal of such funds. Article 72. Assets and commitments of the state No loans may be taken or guarantees issued that commit the state except by law. The administrative authorities are not permitted to guarantee the financial commitments of private entities. Such state guarantees may however by issued due to the public interest. The real property of the state or the use thereof may not be sold or otherwise disposed of except by the authority of the law. The disposal of other assets of the state shall be governed by law. Article 88. Registration of conflicts of interest and public duties A minister is not permitted to perform other paid tasks while in office. The same applies to tasks for private companies and public agencies even if unpaid. The duty of ministers to disclose information on their financial interests shall be laid down by law. The entire document can be viewed here. stjornlagarad.is/other_files/stjornlagarad/Frumvarp-enska.pdf
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 18:58:50 +0000

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