WHAT CAN NAPC LEARN FROM THE EUROPEAN PERMACULTURE CONVERGENCE? by Michael Pilarski on August 1, 2014 You gotta check out their webpage! Perhaps NAPC can be the germination point for something like the EPTC outlined below….? EUROPEAN PERMACULTURE TEACHERS PARTNERSHIP The European Permaculture Teachers Partnership just went live as of July, 2014. It is partially the outcome of the series of European Permaculture Convergences, EPC, (I believe this may be their 4th annual). The Learning Partnership aims to support the professional development of permaculture teachers in 3 ways: 1. Increasing teachers’ own skills for employability; 2. Improving the quality of vocational education & training that those teachers deliver; 3. Developing the capacity of organisations to deliver courses, and thereby employ permaculture teachers. There will be 6 mobility activities during the project, serving multiple functions: 1. to provide a forum for exchange of best practice; 2. to provide teacher training/continuing professional development; 3. to share information about various national permaculture education systems & qualifications frameworks; 4. to establish a pan-European network of permaculture teachers & organisations for curriculum development; 5. to promote cultural exchange and celebrate the diversity within the network; 6. To produce a permaculture teachers’ handbook.1382005502 This is a large partnership, which will create project co-ordination challenges. However, the partner organisations are united by a common ethical framework, set of guiding principles & working practices. The individuals are united by a passion for their profession and a can-do attitude, and we firmly believe that we will succeed in making such a large partnership work. The NAPC will include some open-space scheduling. Also look at the section on how EPC’s open-space scheduling works:
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 00:26:50 +0000

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