WHAT DO BIRTHDAY MEAN TO YOU? My physical body turned a year - TopicsExpress


WHAT DO BIRTHDAY MEAN TO YOU? My physical body turned a year older today, hopefully a year wiser; and the day has put me in a retrospective mood. I’m not one to celebrate birthdays but I believe that birthdays are when you can look back at your past to make corrections of the wrong goals youve made. Successes are not just material but spiritual growth as well, no need to wallow over our successes again this year. Growing physically older, I am reminded of the stark mortality of life. So, as I sit here reflecting upon the years gone by and realize I now have less years ahead of me than behind, I am even more grateful. Grateful for the past that has brought me to this day and grateful for the future that is determined by both my past and present. As I did a flash back of my sojourn in this journey called life, a little bird whispered to me, ‘’Today is all you have. You can certainly hope that there will be a tomorrow, but truly, there are no guarantees.’’ Those of you reading me, permit me to reiterate that at this very moment, while you are reading this post and planning your day, week or month — just remember, you really only have today. I’m a planner and am constantly thinking of the “what’s next” in my life. But lately, I’ve started to appreciate the “NOW,” and the times am able to spend in the company of my family and friends. I count myself lucky to have been gifted with the best of both family and friends – people who always got my back and can take a bullet on my behalf! You know yourselves and the list is inexhaustible. Wherever you are, if you can read me, give yourself a THUMBS UP, if you belong to this category. No need mentioning names. Actions and reactions are equal but opposite, according to Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of linear motion, so I was taught in natural sciences. I guess it is also apt to acknowledge my avalanche of critics. Life has taught me to surround myself with friends and people who like me for who I am. These people make me feel more confident about myself and I have realized that it doesn’t matter what haters say as long as I have good friends by my side. What else have I learned? No one else is a worse critic of me than me. I know am not yet where I want to be in my journey through life, so I get to keep the pace as I soldier on. While at it, I don’t get obsess over what I don’t have, what I can’t do, or my low Klout score. For the uninitiated, permit me to school you on this. The Klout score is a number between 1-100 that represents your influence. The more influential you are, the higher your Klout score. What is influence in this regard? I’ll tell you. Influence is the ability to drive action. When you share something on social media and people respond, that’s INFLUENCE! Everyone, and I do mean everyone, has their Achilles heel, their own Kryptonite that steals their strength and makes them vulnerable. For the most part, I know what mine is and on the days when it’s tempting to dwell on my shortcomings, I overcome by focusing completely on someone else and celebrating their success. Life they say is a race to the finish line. Am I on the right track? Where do I see myself 20 years from now if am still on the planet? The year 2034, the world will definitely look different. Perhaps I’ll be an orphan by then, or in a hole six feet below but that’s the least of my worries. The way I take things, is one day at a time. I know who I am now, but what I will be tomorrow or the day after, I don’t know. Will I make the right choices, succeed in my endeavors and accomplish my goals? Only time will tell, but in 20 years’ time, as Jackson Brown Jr, succinctly puts it, ‘’Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.’’ My final observation on my birthday is that I have this overwhelming sense that the next 365 days of my life are going to be some of the most strategic I have ever lived. I know in my heart that these next year is going to be truly heart-shaping, foundational years that the next 20 years of my life and influence will be built upon. My prayer today and for the last couple of years has consistently been, “God, do what you need to do in me to make me the kind of person you can trust to lead and impact a generation.” Let it be so this year, Lord. Let it be so. Lastly, my inbox has been bombarded with messages of goodwill and prayers. Yes I can see the shock and disapproval on your faces when you notice that you cannot post directly on my timeline. Ekene the bird in Chinua Achebes Arrow of God it was who said that since the hunter learned how to shoot without missing his target, he has also mastered the act of flying without perching on a twig. Na so e just be! I just want to say thank you to everyone of you who allow me the opportunity to influence your life in some way. Through the Ossussu ministry of our church in Zukerbergville, through our Mens’ fellowship, in our Sisters’ fellowship, in our Bible study, and even virtually through our daily articles and status updates via inspirational bursts on twitter and facebook. I know there are an infinite amount of voices you could choose to allow to speak into your life through these channels. Thank you for letting me be one. I don’t take that for granted. To those of you who share this special moment with me as birthday mate, fellow compatriots, honestly, I can say that I know we have a long way to go, but I do feel like we are stepping into the best years of our lives! Permit me to ring the charges as we begin the next phase of our travels as pilgrims on this mundane earthly plains! THROW OFF THE BOWLINES, SAIL AWAY FROM THE SAFE HARBOR, CATCH THE TRADE WINDS IN YOUR SAILS! GO YE FORTH AND CONQUER……. EXPLORE! DREAM!! DISCOVER!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL THE JULY SIXERS!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:23:30 +0000

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