WHAT DO YOU DO WITH A BROTHER WHO IS COMMITTED TO THEIR EGO? Im going to address something here that... There needs to be wisdom. What you do is you witness for your Brother or your Sister. And if your Brother or your Sister stands in receipt of it, you persist. I want you to remember that there are those who have incarnated at this time--which is the end of incarnations--for the purpose, the sole purpose of having one last fling in the ego frame of reference. And they are totally committed to it. And when you witness for them and hang in there with them, and they deny you persistently, and see you as an aggressor persistently, and see you as someone trying to, shall I say, colonialize them and change them into what they call your perspective of reality, you must be wise. Ive used this analogy before. None of you have ever left the Kingdom of Heaven. Youre in it right now. And in effect, youre lying on grassy knolls sleeping, having a dream. Those who are committed to their dreams, who are not beginning to rouse at all, we do not bother. No matter how rugged their dream, we do not bother. But the moment one of you begins to stir and we see the signs of consciousness returning, we are right there to help you by facilitating, by providing a point of focus in the world of consciousness, you might say, so that you have something to home in on as you rouse yourself further. We cannot rouse you. You must understand that we cannot make you wake up and you cannot make anyone else wake up. So, you must be willing to listen for the wisdom that comes from within to tell you when it is not appropriate to persist with a Brother who is absolutely committed to his dream. And you bring your attention to those who, like you, are beginning to wake up and who are curious and interested, who are having problems but are not insisting on their problems, and want to hear the Truth that will actually relieve them of their problems. Those who are in the process of Awakening, those who are stirring, who are becoming Conscious, with a capital C, are the ones to bring the extension of Love to, because their Awakening, which will happen more easily than those who are committed to their dreams, will constitute their withdrawal from the mutually-agreed-upon definitions that constitute the dream everyone else is in, which is going to weaken the dream everyone else is in and cause them to spontaneously begin to stir as well. Yes! You all have free will and that free will is absolute. The key lies in the fact that once your choice, once your expression of your free will is to know what the Fathers Will is, you begin to wake up out of your dream. Once your commitment to your ability, so-called ability to authorize things on your own, once that has been called into question and you have a curiosity about something more than that, then movement of Awakening begins. And that is where those who are awake can meet you and where their Presence can be experienced by you. So, there are some that you wont hang in with, not because of any judgment, but because you recognize their commitment to their dream and that they simply are not hearing anything that you are saying. And if they are not hearing anything that you are saying, then intelligence and wisdom says, Give your attention where you can be heard, and where your Love does register, and where the Fathers Will moving through you can be experienced by them. And by virtue of the experience, reminding them back in the dim halls of their memory, you might say, of their Divine Birthright. And that what they are getting a glimmer of, through you, is a glimmer of Who They Really Are so that the Aha!, the light bulb can go on. The Aha! can occur. And they rejoin themselves. Many women try to find men to be in relationship with in order to save them [the men]. They find flawed men with potential so that they can be their savior. Well, the salvation happens very seldom. And the women who attempt to do that often spend many years totally wasting their gift and being miserable in the process. Why? Because you cant override free will. Gods power cannot override free will. Its very simple. Learn that fact so that you might attend to what will promote awakening. ~excerpt from ACIM Study Group with Raj/Jesus 4/10/03 Conducted by the Northwest Foundation for ACIM nwffacim.wordpress FaceBook: https://facebook/groups/183859725130360/ Now I am present with and available to every single one of you, everyone at every moment. And so it is my intent in being with groups of people like this to make this fact known and by Pauls presence and demeanor also convey the fact that my being available doesnt require of anyone any special talent, because Paul is about as regular as anyone else on this planet and has no special talent in order to hear me. Does that clarify that for you? For those of you who are students of A Course In Miracles, I will take this opportunity to point out that my time spent with Helen Schucman was also not a special instance. And although there have been some expressions of the fact, or the idea-not the fact-the idea that everyone else cant expect the same sort of relationship with me or with Guidance that she experienced, is untrue. It is an attempt to elevate her, and to elevate the Course into a false position of religious respect, whether it is stated that way or not. All of the activities of the Northwest Foundation for A Course In Miracles are provided without charge or obligation. This is possible because of thoughtfulness, love extended without conditions. Such is the nature of Gift. As a result these materials are available to you, because someone like you has already gifted you with them. And, at Rajs instruction, these materials will never be sold. If you would like to add your thoughtfulness and love, to gift others with the availability of these materials, please contact nwffacim.org -----oOo-----
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 20:13:52 +0000

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