WHAT DO YOU SEE And God saw every thing that he had made, and, - TopicsExpress


WHAT DO YOU SEE And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good... Gen 1:31 All that God created are neither good nor evil, they are what we see of them. The funny thing about life is that we see poeple the way we are i.e. a wicked man will always see wickedness, and a good man will alway see goodness in others. Its great men that sees greatness in others, small men sees littleness in others. Any man that is always suspicious of others is not innocent at all. God saw lion, tigers, bees, elephant, man and all creation as being good because He is good. Its a suspicious man that suspect every person and an untrust worthy man wont trust others. People and things definitely becomes what we see them as. The environment of an evil man will be filled with evil, the company of an untrust worthy man will be filled with untrust worthy fellows and bad things will surround bad poeple. When a bad person comes into an environment, he sees every body as been bad and treat them thus and by that treatment they will pay him back in his own coin thus been bad to him too. The way to change a bad person is to stop seeing him as a bad person. Commend and compensate that little good in him than you condemn and rebuke evil, by this, the good will outgrow the evil and thus overcome the evil part. One day my cousin Nancy Ikpe said, i’ve never seen someone you dont like, and how do you put up with that and i replied, yes, i chose to love poeple not because of who they are but because of who i am; i am love by God unconditional and so i should love others unconditionaly too. When there is goodness in your heart, you’ll see goodness in others and if you always notice evil and wickedness in others then you are evil and wicked for you see others as you are. You can chose to see things the way God sees them; you can see things as GOOD and even if they are no good at first, as you keep seeing the good in things, that little goodness will outgrow the bad till the bad is totaly eclipsed. What do you see? Thats the reflection of who you are. God bless you Pastor Promise Ikpe Share the word.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 21:05:13 +0000

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