{WHAT DOES A DUCK HAVE TO DO WITH MENTAL HEALTH WEEK?} Went to buy chickens, came back with a Duck! Thanks for all the name suggestions! Ive named the cutest little ducky Eve, the chickens are yet to be named by my housemates. Ive been hanging out with the girls all day. At one point I tried to act like a duck myself, hoping that Eve would come over and play with me. Shes so shy but I think I can con her into liking me if I share some of my amazing jokes and kale from the garden. Haha! While playing duck with my girls and trying hard to feel accepted, I thought about the dream many of us find us in. A real life dream that captures the essence of the trance of unworthiness. Basically- not feeling good enough. All this week has been Mental Health Week. An extremely important week to raise awareness and funds for research for the 1 in 2 Australians that will experience a mental health issues sometime throughout their life. A week that helps people understand they have choices and options they may not have been aware of. Sometimes when we live in a trance, and I know how this feels (not just playing duck), we get caught up in our stories and fears about how we might fail, not be smart enough, tall enough, fit enough, strong enough... Good enough. We literally live in a waking dream that can limit life experiences. This is true for many living with mental illnesses. The mountains, adventures, conversations, relationships etc can merely be a backdrop as we struggle to get somewhere, be someone, do something to prove ourselves. Have you ever been there? Feeling like - whatevers going on in your head, no matter how big or small is consuming most of your attention? Always feeling like youre falling short? Apparently nearly half the population has felt this way at some point. The belief and thoughts that we are not accepted or a good enough human duck, or whatever you may be trying to be makes it difficult to trust that we are truly loved. I believe we have a fear that we might not be loved if we are not perfect or if someone realises that we are boring or stupid or insecure. Ive felt this so much in the past! What if they realise I act like a loofy Mon all the time? Its really hard to relax in this state. Lucky, I had a little giggle of reflection while sitting in the chicken yard on how far Ive come though the power of acceptance. This week, and all the weeks to come, for yourself and everyone around you, focus on accepting yourself as you are. Its a funny paradox for mental wellbeing - when you learn to accept yourself just as you are, duck lady and all, then you can change. If there is one big tip I can share with you for this week, its to focus on your willingness to pay attention to all your experiences, whatever they may be. Do this in the surf, garden, conversation, walking etc. With time you will develop the capacity to relate to all experiences with clarity and kindness. You will love yourself for being a ducky Mum or being the real you underneath your fears. I couldnt let Mental Health Week slip by without a little note to you all. Im so thankful we share this space and look forward to what the future holds. Remember if you would like to speak up about mental health or need someone to talk to, I hang out on this space frequently and emails so dont be shy to speak up! Until further duck and chicken updates! Love you all, Mon xx
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 08:36:07 +0000

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