WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE BORN AGAIN? What does the bible say about - TopicsExpress


WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE BORN AGAIN? What does the bible say about new birth? The new birth is one of the most exciting doctrines of christianity but exactly what does it mean,how does a person get it,and what happens after they receive it. We hear Jesus teaching on the new birth when he was visited by Nicodemus a member of the Sanhedrin, or ruling counsil of ancient Israel. afraid of being seen,Necodemus came to Jesus in the night,seeking the truth. what Jesus told him applies to us aswell. In reply Jesus declared, I tell you the truth,no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again John3:3. Despite his great learning,Nicodemus was confused , Jesus explained that he was not talking about a physical new birth,but a spiritual rebirth. Jesus answered, i tell you the truth,no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and spirit. flesh gives birth to flesh,but the spirit gives birth to spirit. Before we are born again,we are walking corpes,spiritually dead, we are alive physically,and from outward appearances nothing seems wrong with us. but inside we are creatures of sin dominated and controlled by it. Just as we cant give physical birth to ourselves, we cant accomplish this spiritual birth by ourselves, either. How does that come to be? Ephesians2:8-9, For it is by grace you have been saved. Through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. God gives it but through faith in christ we can request it. In his great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope throuth the resurrection of Jesus christ from the dead and into an inheritance that can never perish,spoil or fade kept in heaven for you. 1peter1:3-4. there for if any one is in christ he is a new creature,the old things passed away behold new things have come. 2corinthians 5:17 A prayer for salvation, Become afollower of Jesus Christ today. If you believe that the bible offers truth about the way to salvation but you have made de decision yet to become a christian. Its as simple as praying this prayer. you can pray by yourself using your own words. There is no special formula. just pray from your heart to God,and he will save you. if you feel lost and just dont know what to pray,heres a prayer of salvation that you can pray. Dear Lord. I admit that i am a sinner, i have done many things that dont please you. i have lived my life for myself. I am sorry and i repent. I ask you to forgive me. i believe that you died on the cross for me,to save me. you did what i could not do for myself. i come to you now and ask you to take control of my life. i give it to you help me to live every day in a way that please you,i will spend all eternity with you. Amen. God bless
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 14:01:13 +0000

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