WHAT FELLOWSHIP HAVE YOU? If we say that we have fellowship with - TopicsExpress


WHAT FELLOWSHIP HAVE YOU? If we say that we have fellowship with the father (yahweh) and walk in darkness ,we are liars and do not the truth. (1 john 1:6) The basis upon which the church was built is in truth,which is seen in Christ who is the word himself but made manifest in the flesh. So that we that are in the flesh may be redeemed from the works of satan. Thise means(1) all have sin and fall short of the glory of God. 2 no one of us has the power to deliver our self from the grip of satan only christ. If all have sin , we need a helper and that helper is Jesus christ. For the fact that the whole men under the sun have been corrupted is true: And this is the reason why christ was revealed in other to save us. Today we see that many claim that they are in christ but refuse to repent of their sins rather they cleave unto it thereby making themselves an instrument of wrath.(Ehesians 2:1-3) Of such is them which they scripture is talking to. They claim that they are in fellowship with God why of a truth they are not. And if they are not then they must be in darkness. Note the reason why such men or women remain in darkness is because the refuse to accept the truth that can save their soul. Whoever reject the truth and claim to be wise shall be abandon by the lord at the end. In Romans 1:28 it says since they knew God,(that is since the have the knowledge that their is God) but refuse to acknowledge him as God, he gave them up to their lust in other to do they things which are not convenient. God wants us to be honest with ourselves,and not claim the holier than thou attitude. Most of our problem stays with us because we believe that we have acquired more knowledge than we thought. Be not deceive. Recently after a brief study and research decided to check my own heart condition and fellowship with the father and to my amazement I found myself wanting. You must know that they God we serve is a spiritual being and anyone who desire to fellowship with him must be in the spirit; this I say also that to worship God is a matter of the heart which then radiate from inside to the outer surface. Measure your life today by Gods word which is a mirror of life. If we be sincere unto ourselves and not lie we will know the truth and that truth which only could be seen in christ will set us free. God help us all Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 14:42:53 +0000

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