WHAT GIRLS NEED: SOMETHING ALL GUYS SHOULD KNOW: •when she walks away mad from you - follow her! •when she stares at your mouth - kiss her! •when she pushes or hits you - grab her & dont let go! •when she starts cursing at you - kiss her and tell her you love her! •when shes quiet - ask her whats wrong! •when she ignores you - give her your attention ! •when she pulls away - pull her back! •when you see her at her worst - tell her shes beautiful! •when you see her start crying - just hold her and dont say a word! •when you see her walking - sneak up and hug her waist from behind! •when shes scared - protect her ! • When she lays her head on your shoulder - tilt her up & kiss her! •when she steals your favorite cap or shirt - let her keep it & sleep with it for the night! •when she teases you - tease her back & make her laugh! •when she doesnt answer for a long time - reassure her that everythings okay! •when she looks at you with doubt - back yourself up! •when she says she likes you - she really does more than you could ever understand! •when she grabs your hands - hold hers. & play with her fingers! •when she bumps into you - bump back into her & make her laugh! •when she tells you a secret - keep it safe & untold! •when she looks into your eyes - dont look away till she does! •when she misses you shes hurting inside! •when you break her heart the pain never really goes away! :/ :)
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 12:50:05 +0000

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