WHAT GOD DID IN CHICAGO…CHICAGO…CHICAGO: FIRST TALK - We flew to Chicago arriving on Wednesday October 24th, where I was booked to speak at the convention center for a 6-8 pm session. Our room had a capacity of 50 seated guests, but only 5 people came. Weeks of commercials on the two key Christian TV Stations and on the major Christian Radio Station costing tens of thousands of dollars for only 5 people, but there was something spiritually amazing about every one of those 5 people. They were handpicked by God, prepared in advance by the Holy Spirit, and their hearts and minds were hungry for what God had for them. On the flights from Australia, God had me busily preparing what he wanted me to say. When it came time to talk, at the very first step I took as I walked from the back of the room to the front, everything changed inside me, and I was nothing more than his voice to his prepared people. Each and every one of those people ate and drank from God’s table that night and they couldnt hide their excitement. SECOND & THIRD TALK - Nights two and three were similar. God prepared my brief notes, and delivered them to his people. On the second night there were 7 who attended, and on the third night there were 8. It was so small in number, but so big in Spirit. God had people testify each night, telling of their stories of what God had done to get them there. Some did not even know how or why they were there, but could only say it was God. I should have felt crushed by the small numbers, but the powerful working of the Spirit made the nights extraordinary. The joy and excitement of God was catching and filled each one of us. God assured me that he was working, that he was happy with everything, and that he was pleased for it to appear small enough to be nothing. God described to my wife and to another prophet that they should remember the loaves and the fishes, because out of the impossibly small, he would astound with multiplication and increase, so that all would know that it was God and God alone. After each of the three talks, God encouraged me to give extra books away, so people could distribute them to other people as the Spirit directed. It was amazing to see God recruit his children as leaders from the grassroots level. God’s planned awakening, his revolution, his worldwide revival, has begun in Chicago, and it is not in the hands of big, powerful, established mega-church leaders, but in the hands of God, who has chosen to use his humble and obedient children to lead the way, lifting up and sending out the blessing of his prophecies. At every meet, people shared their stories of God leading them to give the prophecies to particular people. They were running on God-enthusiasm. It all felt curiously like the powerful but tiny beginning of Christianity in the first century; it was God. It was exciting. MEETING WITH SIX PASTORS - Pastor Tony Agape arranged for me to meet with six Pastors. Before the meeting, I asked God what he wanted me to say. God told me to simply relax, be myself, and let him speak to his Pastors. What was meant to last 1 to 2 hours, lasted for 5 to 6 hours. The Pastors asked me many things about the prophecies and about me, and they were friendly, polite and kind. They already had The Valentine Prophecies, and were happy to receive II Revelation. It was an amazingly Spirit charged meeting where love, respect, and harmony reigned. It was extraordinary that one of the Pastors had come out of the very same exclusive church I was in. It was so evident that God had prepared these men long before they ever heard of The Valentine Prophecies. God planted his seeds deeply into the hearts of his Pastors that day, and his seeds will produce a fruitful crop. 600 PASTORS GLADLY RECEIVE GODS PROPHECIES - When it came the turn of the 600 Pastors attending the Pastors’ Appreciation Brunch at the Convention Center, God prepared powerfully, smoothing the way so there were no mistakes. Our first plans were to show up before the event and prepare the gift bags with a copy of The Valentine Prophecies, a copy of II Revelation, and a copy of the Voices DVD, but we didnt even realize we would have gone to the wrong Convention Center, we would have arrived late, and it would have been a big mess. However, God moved my wife and myself to begin packing the gift bags days in advance, and as we did, it became obvious that all the gift bags would not fit in the cars of Pastor Tony and Pastor Nancy. God also showed me that I would arrive for the event lathered in sweat if we tried to do the delivery of the bags ourselves. So we sourced a man with a truck, but he could only collect and deliver the gift bags the day before the event. This meant we had to contact the Convention Center and ask their permission for an early drop-off, and it was then we discovered we had the wrong Convention Center. We located the right venue, received permission to deliver the gift bags the day before, and used the man and his truck to shift the 40 boxes containing the 600 gifts bags. After we delivered the bags, God told me that I must turn up early the next morning, because the bags will have been moved and will need to be found and shifted to our display. So the team arrived before 8 am, found the boxes of gift bags moved, and after they were shifted to our display, we noticed that 13 boxes were missing. The amazing Jim Moran of Salem Radio AM 1160, found the missing boxes, and had them relocated to our display area. Jims efforts were like a gift from God. Out team for the Pastors’ event consisted of myself and my wife, Pastor Tony Agape and Pastor Nancy, Kristine Youngberg Cotterman and Rick Cotterman of Exodus Designs, and their son. Before we left for Chicago, I had a vision of Christ dressed in battle armor, taking large strides as he stepped down from heaven. Standing in front of me, he reached down and grasped a sword in his right hand. The sword was shiny and sharp. I was given understanding that it represented II Revelation. With his sword, Christ strode out saying follow me to Chicago. Nevertheless, I had concerns that II Revelation may cause the Pastors to refuse their gift bags. I planned to not promote II Revelation with signage, and ‘surprise’ Pastors after they got home and checked their gift bags. However, shortly before we left for Chicago, God told me to promote II Revelation on a large sign beside our display table. God showed me what my stand was to look like, with a large sign for The Valentine Prophecies on the left of our table, and a large sign for II Revelation on the right of our table. I did as God instructed. I expressed my concerns to God, and he told me that even if only 12 or even if only 6 of his Pastors accepted the gift bags, that he would achieve his purposes regardless, with his almighty power. To my amazement, with very few exceptions, the Pastors were happy to accept a gift bag, excited to read Gods prophecies and his plans for his people. The whole team at our table enjoyed an inspirational and joyful experience as God displayed his powerful hand for the desires of his heart. After the event ended and the Pastors left, I shared some time with the Lord, praising him. He told me that I could not even begin to imagine the huge extent of his seed planted that day, and the massive harvest it would yield. He also added that I would be back to Chicago far more often than I expected. The evening after the Pastors’ event, we hosted a team dinner as our way to say thank you, and it was relaxing and a blessing to each of us. PROPHETIC ARTS AND MUSIC FEST - Due to God moving Bonnie Shumate, our final day in Chicago saw us at Third Day Glory International’s “Prophetic Arts and Music Fest”, and wow, it felt like Christ exploded forth and could not be contained. So much Spirit came into me as I tried to sing the praises before I spoke, it felt like I was going to burst. God caused me to disregard my notes and run free-hand with him. Pastor Tony said there were 31 who attended that evening, and almost all were there because of the Spirit. Words do not describe what God did there. God was amazing. So this was Chicago, and now we are back in Australia having spent most of our meager savings, investments, and retirement funds. God is very pleased and happy with the works of his hands. As he commanded me to do, I have gone to Chicago and forced up and driven out his prophecies. God’s seed is sown. Now we must be patient as his fruitful seeds grow. Meanwhile, God has tasked us with jobs that must be completed during this waiting time, and I will share these with you at a later time. FILMING - Michael Yndestad was in charge of filming each of the talks and the Pastors Appreciation Brunch, and once finalized, I will post these videos. You will also be able to view them on the website and on YouTube. If you have not already done so, read The Valentine Prophecies to know exactly what God desires, as we prepare for the imminent return of the Son. Gods warnings are very serious. God bless you. Blessings! David Dellit
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 07:48:20 +0000

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