WHAT GOD IS SAYING… Full Prophetic Focus for AUGUST 2013 Dear - TopicsExpress


WHAT GOD IS SAYING… Full Prophetic Focus for AUGUST 2013 Dear people of God, I extend a prophetic greeting in this awesome season of greater light. May His peace, wisdom and grace be continuously multiplied in your lives. What a mighty God we serve. I am so privileged to have the Creator of the Universe as my Father; who knows me by name and calls me by name (Isa 43:1). We did experience a foretaste of His prosperity last month even as His every Word for our lives came to pass. His Word indeed prospers. A solid foundation was laid for us to walk in unending prosperity; for we know that is the definition of Good Success according to Joshua 1:8. Remember that Jesus was EVERYTHING down that we may be ANYTHING up! Without any controversy we are in the moment of the greatest darkness. This is because we are in the very last of days and evil is multiplied with a much greater intensity and frequency because the devil knows that his time is short (Rev 12:12). Only those who dwell in “heavenly places” will be able to live above this ultimate wrath of Satan. As Christians we must begin to live the reality of being “translated from the kingdom of darkness (the earthly kingdom) into the Kingdom of Light (the heavenly Kingdom). So ask yourself, where do I stand? When we walk as mere men, we will be defeated in this Christian walk. Ye are gods, so walk as gods! (1Cor 3:3). The Bible is the sure Word of prophecy. It is a wonderful Guide to us in this time. It reveals to us that in this moment of gross darkness, God is also going to release the greatest Light. So we know how it is going to end. Light will have the victory. Hallelujah! How privileged we are then to live in these times. I believe God’s glory shall be revealed in this generation like in no other. The Bible also tells me that “the wise shall inherit glory” (Prov 3:35). This reveals a glaring truth that the glory of this hour is reserved for some peculiar people: the company of the wise. Are you wise? This is very important because many are called, but few are chosen. Not every “Christian” will experience this glory. It is for the people who choose to be wise. Who then are the wise? There are a lot of knowledgeable people today in the world but those who are wise are few. We must realize that when we got saved, it was because we believed in the Truth. While truth is in degrees or levels, we all believed in the basic Truth that Jesus is the Son of God, who paid for our salvation with His blood and bridged our disconnection from God. But it looks like after this basic truth came, we all forgot that we have to continuously live by the Truth. What I’m saying is that we’ve lost touch of the fact that Truth is a Person and the name of this Person is Jesus. As a Christian we are not struggling or waiting for an inheritance. We already have an inheritance in Christ Jesus but only those who know it, lay hold of it. If glory therefore is our inheritance then we are in reality saying that Jesus is that inheritance. How then do we reveal this glory without knowing Jesus? See 2Cor 3:18. The Church has no glory on its own. When we stop looking to Self and start looking up to Jesus, then we shall reflect His glory even as the moon reflects the sun at night. Welcome to the era where Jesus is crowned King, accepted as ALL in all and revealed to the world through the saints. The glorious church is rising through the manifestation of Wisdom (Eph 3:10-11). That was God’s eternal purpose in Christ Jesus. Hence this month’s prophetic theme is: “THE GLORY IS RISEN!!! Isaiah 60:1-3. It’s all about Jesus. This Commission was sent to reveal Christ as the Wisdom of God and make wise the people by the Word of Wisdom so that they can possess their possessions (lay hold on their inheritance). We understand that only the wise shall reveal His glory because only the wise have seen His glory. People don’t want to know who Jesus is nowadays in churches; we are interested only in what He does. It is changing. The hour for His glorification is come. That is what will subdue the darkness of the world. We can’t do it on our own. This month study intensively my book: The Gospel of Christ. Be a part of this Wisdom Train and experience God’s glory in its present dimension. We were meant to be stars. See Dan 12:3. See you next month ok? You are blessed. Lefor Divine D. (The Apostle of Wisdom)
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 23:01:19 +0000

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