WHAT HAPPENS AFTER YOU DIE? IS THERE ANY EVIEDENCE? OH, THE EXTREME CONTRAST - WHAT HEAVEN IS LIKE? There are many testimonies of those who had a glimpse, emphasize the great contrast between Heaven and Hell. And their experiences give us all a warning - “prepare to meet YAHWEH your ELOHIM (GOD).” Now let us GO into the Bible for we get more details there than in people’s indescribable experiences. Not all the details that we would like to know are given; for one reason, we could not comprehend it all. But what is described in the Bible is conveyed in human language so that we can get some idea. WHAT IS HEAVEN LIKE? Heaven is called a place. Y’shua the Messiah said: “I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2 This place is in the Father’s House, which is a general term for Heaven. There is only one Way to that place. Y’shua said He will come again and take His people to that place. There are two means by which a believer may enter that place. One is through the door of death. The other is through the door of the Rapture - that is, the event in which the Master catches His people up without dying, in instantly-transformed bodies, into heaven. Either way, we come through Y’shua, (Jesus), who is the Door to the Kingdom. John 10:9 In Revelation 21, we read about the heavenly city, but we can appreciate the inability of the apostle John to find adequate words to describe the city. First of all, he saw the New Jerusalem, the Holy City of Elohim (God). “Then in the Spirit he conveyed me away to a great and high mountain, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from YAHWEH, having the Sh’khinah glory of YAHWEH. Her brilliance was like a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal.” Revelation 21:10-11 All he can say is that it’s like a most beautiful stone or jewel. In verse 15, he says that even the measuring sticks are made of gold! And in verse 18, the material of the wall was jasper, and the city was pure gold, like pure glass. Now you can be sure this is not ordinary earthly gold. This is something far greater, and something so beautiful, that it utterly dazzles the human eye. Heaven is described as a Paradise; the Paradise of YAHWEH ELOHIM (God). It is a place of joy, a place of rest. That Paradise is filled with the praises of YAHWEH our Heavenly Father. We read there is no moon to shine upon it, nor any sun either. It doesn’t need either of these lights, because the Light of the Universe is the Centre of the city - the Master/Lord Y’shua Messiah/ Christ Himself - Y’shua the Messiah - in all His glory. Not the despised Y’shua (Jesus), not just Y’shua in a physical body, but the Heavenly Master in His glorified body - shining throughout heaven. What is the sun compared with His glory? It is like a star that vanishes when the daylight comes. Y’shua is the very centre of Heaven! And that’s why I want to go there. If you take Him from heaven, then it wouldn’t be heaven any more. If the Saviour wasn’t there, then I wouldn’t be so interested. I want to go where the Bridegroom is, and wherever He is, that’s heaven for me! I’m like the Apostle Paul in this respect. I’m longing to go to be with my Redeemer Master/Lord and Saviour! Its because I love Him. He’s done so much for me! He died on the cross especially for me; and especially for you too! And He took all my sins away, and He’s making “something” of me, and He’s filling me with expectation to meet Him. And to miss heaven would be to miss the Master, and to miss Him is to miss everything. In heaven, theres no night; theres no sorrow, and theres no crying. El Shaddai will wipe away our tears; and all the tragic things of the past will be erased from our memories. Our hearts will be taken up only with the Presence of the Master, Y’shua, (Jesus), and our “time” will be taken up in doing His will. And one other thing about heaven, of course, is that it’s ETERNAL. It’s not a temporary place like this earth. It’s for REAL! It’s FOREVER! lwam
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 23:03:19 +0000

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