WHAT HAPPENS IN SYRIA ISRAEL AS YOU CRITIQUE Luiz Castro I ask you: where are the cries embraseados international advocacy on behalf of these victims? Where they hide the legions of pro-Palestinian philanthropists, with their fluttering flags, banners and energetic shouts of liberty that the slightest sign of triggering an Israeli rifle, do overturn the heavens? Where rests all the restlessness and consumerism human rights of self-proclaimed left Brazilian? Where are the demagogues on duty and their effusive rhetoric about the asymmetric warfare? Where is the note of repudiation of the Foreign Ministry? SHOCK SELECTIVE? Two days ago, the sátapra and even Syrian President Bashar al-Assad one thug as bloodthirsty as the extremist rebels fighting, perpetrated another massacre. Without any notice; without distributing pamphlets, sound sirens or manifest, if either, the slightest hint of his intention; air forces the government broke one BOMBING fulminating in a densely populated area in the city of Raqqa in northern Syria. As a result, 60 people died. Of these, 45 were civilians. Employee an effort to destroy a BAKERY, suspected to be administered by fighters of the Islamic State. Last Tuesday, in the eastern province of Deir Ezzor, another attack, wiping out 16 civilians, including 10 children. But these are only a few examples of massacres that have become a constant in everyday life of that country. Merciless assaults, worth emphasizing, are not triggered in a foreign nation or land border region, but rather indiscriminately in the bed of the Syrian OWN PEOPLE. And there are those who talk on disproportionality in combat, when the State of Israel relies on a legitimate right of defense in the face of a ruthless enemy who strives to achieve his purposes. An enemy that employs the most cowardly and disgraceful guerrilla methods, and little pity, if will be civilian or military before succumbing to the incessant rocket targets curtain. An enemy that, for example Assad sees his people as mere disposable mass. For the Syrian dictator, as his father before him, the ends always justify the means. Even in the cost of living of those who once swore to uphold. How to forget, for example, the chemical attack in the city of Ghouta on August 21, 2013, where 1400 people died? Genocide considered by many as one of the most execrable and monstrous acts of our times. Not only that, the government has promoted hundreds of attacks in Aleppo, where it turns resolutely barrels filled with explosives in a desperate attempt to expel the rebels from the second largest Syrian city. Atrocious and reprehensible a tactic, as these lack any precision bombs against certain targets. It is estimated that of all shots taken by artillery and aerial bombardment of the Syrian regime, only 30% hit effectively rebel positions while the rest devastate civilian areas. Since the Islamic State forces expelled the last of the Syrian government in the city of Raqqa brutal outlet air base Tabqa, which resulted in the capture and subsequent summary execution of more than 260 soldiers of the regime; the territory has become the newest and main stronghold of the insurgents. Public executions, as well as the practice of other types of extreme violence, became the feared group in the areas it controls. On the other hand, the Islamists have nurtured for all aspects of the social infrastructure of cities under his rule (energy, transport and communication), which includes renovations and constructions in urban and rural areas, in addition to the administration of public institutions such as banks , schools, courts and mosques. The United States is assembling a coalition to dismantle the uprising of the Islamic State in Iraq. In a recent statement, President Obama reaffirmed his readiness with NATO allies to take military coalition. However, despite repeated pleas from the summit of Assad which proposes a joint effort to crush the rebel resistance, the American government dismisses the idea of cooperating with the Syrian regime considers it a PART OF THE PROBLEM, and plans to meet with moderate insurgents means necessary to overcome both EI as Assad. Like they say: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Syria Civil War began in March 2011 in the form of peaceful protests that demanded the immediate removal of Assad. That this claim is founded on the fact that, for decades, the political party leadership, the Baath Arab Socialist comprising Alawite majority, adept of Shiism, lived at the expense and exploitation of Sunnis, who represent more than 74% of the population Syrian. As soon as the regime responded with brutality, the manifestos have become a brutal war. The armed opposition consists of several groups that have been formed over the course of the conflict, the main ones being: The Islamic Front, the Free Syrian Army, the Al-Nusra Front, the Revolutionary Front of Syrias army Mujadedenn the Movement Hazzm, the Legion Sham, of course, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (EIIL), now called just as Islamic State (EI). In 2013, Hezbollah, a Shiite terrorist organization as wild as Sunni radicals entered the war in support of the Syrian army. In the east, the jihadists of the Islamic State, initially connected to Al-Qaeda in Iraq were responsible for quick and stunning military victories in both Syria and Iraq, eventually entering friction against other armed rebel groups who disapprove of their methodologies. In July 2014, the Islamic State controlled a third of the Syrian territory and most of their production of oil and gas, thus emerging as the majority opposing force. On the diplomatic scene, the Syrian government receives military support from its major allies, Russia and Iran. While Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United States acquiesce themselves to the interests of the opposition. More than 6.5 million Syrians were forced to abandon their homes with the spread of war. Over 3 million have fled to countries such as Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey and became refugees. Millions of others have been left to fend in squalid living conditions, with shortages of water and food, to the point of local clerical leadership dispatching one fatwa allowing the hungry eat dogs and cats. In summary, a severe humanitarian disaster. Having passed 3 years since its inception, Syria Civil War is responsible for mowing more than 200 000 lives. The duel between greedy killers follows. And through the rubble of what hands lifted a day, the sound of explosions created by the hands that kill today, consoam with the wails of a forgotten people.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 10:13:39 +0000

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