WHAT HAS HAPPENED After a long fight for democracy we thought - TopicsExpress


WHAT HAS HAPPENED After a long fight for democracy we thought we’d won the fight. But last Thursday the back room factional deals still won out. In an unwarranted, irresponsible and indefensible move, the Victorian Administrative Committee set aside the vote for Upper House preselections and sent their deal to National Executive to meet their own factional needs. It’s time for Bill Shorten to show some leadership on this issue. Just like the rank and file vote that elected him as leader, he should support the rank and file vote for Victorian candidates. WHAT YOU CAN DO The National Executive will be meeting in the next couple of days. We need to ask them to stand up for democracy NOW and refer the Victorian Upper House preselections back to Victoria where they belong. Twitter & Facebook... “Will you support democracy and return #VicPreselections to a vote? #AusPol #SpringSt” (links in earlier post) Email... “I ask you to deny the recent Victorian Administrative Committee request to replace the local plebiscite process with factional deals for the Victorian Upper House preselections. I welcomed the resurgence in passion and membership in the Labor Party that resulted from the leadership ballot and am gravely disappointed at the recent moves by the Administrative Committee to undermine this long fought for return to democracy. I ask you to support the branch membership in their quest for the return of democracy and a say in our Party.” (emails are at the top of the page)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 04:54:16 +0000

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