WHAT HAS HEAVEN COST YOU HOW THE EARLY APOSTLES DIED !!! ((( FATE OF THE APOSTLES ))) SO MUCH FOR YOUR BEST LIFE NOW. -- MATTHEW WAS MURDERED WITH A SWORD WHILE IN ETHIOPIA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MARK WAS IN ALEXANDRIA EGYPT, WHERE THEY TIED HIM BEHIND HORSES, AND DRAGGED HIS BODY THROUGH THE CITY TO HIS DEATH. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LUKE WAS HUNG IN GREECE FOR HIS INTENSE PREACHING TO THE LOST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PETER WAS ORDERED BY NERO OF ROME TO BE CRUCIFIED, BUT SUPPOSEDLY PETER REQUESTED TO BE CRUCIFIED UPSIDE DOWN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- JAMES WAS THROWN DOWN FROM THE PINNACLE OF THE TEMPLE, APPROXIMATELY 100 FEET TO HIS DEATH, BUT MIRACULOUSLY, HE SURVIVED THE FALL, SO THEY FINISHED HIM OFF BY BEATING HIM WITH CLUBS. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BARTHOLOMEW WAS PREACHING IN ARMENIA, WHERE THEY FLOGGED HIM WITH WHIPS TO HIS DEATH FOR HIS TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ANDREW WAS CRUCIFIED ON AN EX SHAPED CROSS IN GREECE, AND WHILE ON THE CROSS DYING, HE KEPT PREACHING TO HIS TORMENTORS FOR TWO DAYS. THIS IS WHAT ANDREW SAID I HAVE LONG EXPECTED AND DESIRED THIS HAPPY DAY. -------------------------------------------------------------------- MATHIAS WHO REPLACED JUDAS WAS STONED, BUT WHEN THEY DIDNT SUCCEED, THEY HAD HIM BEHEADED. --------------------------------------------------------------------- - JUDE WAS MURDERED WITH AN ARROW. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- THOMAS WENT TO CHINA TO PREACH THE GOSPEL, AND WHILE IN CHINA, THEY MURDERED HIM WITH A SPEAR. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PAUL WAS ORDERED TO BE BEHEADED BY NERO, WHO WAS A VERY EVIL MAN. NERO LOVED TO SET CHRISTIANS ON FIRE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- JOHN WAS SUPPOSEDLY THROWN IN BOILING OIL, BUT HE MIRACULOUSLY SURVIVED, SO THEY SENT HIM TO THE ISLE OF PATMOS, WHERE HE WROTE THE BOOK OF REVELATION. You have seen what the early Apostles went through and how they died... They died mysteriously for Christs sake... The question is: How many preachers today can boldly declare the TRUTH in the Word of GOD ? What do we have today, people gather preachers to themselves that will tell them what they want to hear... These preachers are so much loved by their hearers... They are afraid to declare the truth, which the early Apostles died for. This is not suppose to be so. Let us STAND BOLDLY FOR CHRIST, lets declare the truth, no matter the opposition... TO MAKE HEAVEN YOU MUST BE READY TO DIE FOR CHRIST! Have you made that decision? It is not by saying it, it is by your actions. Do you speak the truth? Are you not hiding under your pastor, even when you know the truth, you do not speak because you do not want to be hated? What is wrong with you? Did any man die for you? Was it not Christ that died for you? What is happening to the gospel today. What has this Modern preachers turn the Gospel of Salvation and reconciliation into? Oh! Lord have mercy. If the whole world is scared to speak the truth, I am ready to speak the truth, even if it means my death! Give me the grace oh Lord! I STAND BOLDLY FOR CHRIST....Who is in this race as the early Apostles did? DO NOT FEAR, JESUS SAID, LO, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS EVEN TO THE END OF THE AGE... Be prepared to die for Christ! It will be well with your soul! MARANTHA REMAIN RAPTUREABLE FOR JESUS.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 04:56:36 +0000

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