WHAT I HATE ABOUT TAMPA POLITICS! I am finished with Florida - TopicsExpress


WHAT I HATE ABOUT TAMPA POLITICS! I am finished with Florida and Tampa politics. Every election cycle, I am pounded by friends wanting me to back them in this or that election, wanting me to contribute to their campaigns for this or that office. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s wonderful that they are active in politics but I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired every time an election rolls around. Because I’ve been around the block a few times (sometimes that’s all I do is keep going around the block) most people who run for stuff are longtime friends of mine. The ones who aren’t are good friends of longtime friends of mine. They all put me on the spot by insisting on my support. Well, when you have two, three, sometimes four friends running for the same office, who to support becomes difficult. I’ll tell you what I do in that case in a moment. Meanwhile, I am announcing to all my friends that I stubbornly refuse to take a stand on any election where I have more than one friend contending and if any particular friend in one of those keeps hammering me for support after I’ve let them know the situation they will be automatically unfriended. Any idiot who can’t figure out what a terrible and viciously uncomfortable position that situation puts me in has got to be a taco short of a combination platter and not worthy of my support anyway. Take, for instance, the last mayor’s race in Tampa. I’ve known Dick Greco most of my life and covered him as a reporter in his very first term as mayor back when dinosaurs roamed Lowry Park. I also worked closely with Bob Buckhorn on business projects when he was assistant to Mayor Sandy Freedman. Also a very good friend of mine is Rose Ferlita. Well, at that time and loving all of those people equally I chose to back Rose because she had done some very major things for me, had gone way out of her way for me, during her days as City Councilwoman. The only way the world knew of that was one post of endorsement on Facebook. In just one day after that post, the other two candidates put out arctic air in my presence like a fridge on display at the World’s Fair. I have always been amused at how important others considered what I said or did about anything. It’s happening right now, again. There’s a judge’s race. I know all the people. One is pressing me to post on his/her behalf on Facebook. I’m NOT going to do it. Matter of fact, I’m thinking about unfriending every person running for anything. When friends transform into political candidates, they become unrelenting in their quest and truly don’t care about anything else in the universe but winning and will cut down anybody who doesn’t back them, as a rule. The ones who don’t appear to do that….believe me….they remember. I’m not backing any of them. Mike Scionti is one very good friend and judicial candidate I am openly backing and for good reasons. He has not asked me one word for support or money. He is extremely qualified. When I run into him he smiles, shakes my hand, and asks me how I’ve been in a sincere way and that’s it. I like that. The only thing he’s asked me to do is stop by and have some spaghetti at one of his functions and I already had plans. So to all my friends who decide to run for anything, anywhere, anyhow in the future…. Forget about asking me for anything. Leave me alone. If you’re my real, honest to God friend you’ll understand my position and respect it. If you don’t, just leave me alone. One more thing, I will campaign against any friend who thinks they can sit at West Tampa Coffee Shop, drink café con leche all day and get elected. Honest, there are people who think that place is the epicenter of political activity in the county. Even the President of the United States of America spent 45 minutes in there last September. I don’t understand the concept at all…but I do know that the people who go there could care less about the politicians who hang out there for comfort. Florida Gov..Rick Scott spent an hour at the coffee shop a month ago. That dude wouldnt be caught dead in a tiny West Tampa eatery if he wasnt running for something. When I know the place is packed with office seekers, I pass right by and have a Happy Meal at McDonalds.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 10:48:40 +0000

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