WHAT IF I TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULD SAVE MONEY, BY LOSING WEIGHT? WHAT IF I TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULD ACCOMPLISH THE TOP 5 NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS? WHAT IF I TOLD YOU, THAT YOU REALLY CAN DO IT? AND IT’S REALLY EASY.PLEASE SHARE THIS POST...PRIVATE MESSAGE ME FOR MORE INFORMATION. thumbnails-visually.netdna-ssl/can-weight-loss-save-you-money_50290b887a61c_w1500.jpg Sources: statisticbrain/new-years-resolution-statistics/ Dr. Otto Warburg finished one of his most famous speeches, The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer, with the following statement: “…nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause is. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention.” Considering fats to be the main contributor to weight gain is a popular misconception that leads to massive confusion and explains why so many overweight people are not succeeding in losing weight. Many people would be shocked to find out that we may gain weight from eating cheese not only because it is rich in fat, but mostly due to its high acidic level. In response to high pH acid, the body creates fat cells to store the acid. Almonds have 70% fat, and pork has only 58%. However, pork has one of the highest acid values, -38, while almonds are alkaline forming, +3. Cucumbers and watermelons are so alkalizing that they can neutralize the acidifying effect of eating beef. This is why it is very important to know the pH index of all foods, showing the foods ability to alkalize the body. Please see the reference links to pH Food Indexes Sources: sparkpeople/mypage_public_journal_individual.asp?blog_id=3958228 Sources: highenergywater/2013/05/22/save-money-with-an-sd-501-alkaline-water-machine/ Buying bottled water can cost THOUSANDS of dollars per year. Purchasing an Enagic machine ($44/mo) SAVES you money because we often spend MORE than $44/mo for our bottled water – that does nothing for our health. These machines are built to last a lifetime, and withstand the test of time. Many units are still around and are 30 years old, still working perfectly. You have been introduced to the very best, but its up to you to make that decision on your own. So, I leave you with this video if you would like to learn more, just remember… *It’s less the cost of buying bottled water *It has tremendous health benefits for those who drink allot of it *Been around in hospitals since 1965, and withstood the test of time *100% Eco-Friendly, not harmful for the environment, and takes plastic out of the equation. Did you make that resolution(s)? Maybe you haven’t started yet. Or have and reverted? No problem. You have to take Baby steps. And remember this is not a “Diet,” but a lifestyle change. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. An alkaline body starts working normally. That means it will stop the process of storing fat. Are you ready to change? The healthy solution: You need to detox, hydrate, and stop drinking bottled water. This will help you to lose weight too. To find out the Hidden Truths About Your Health [Visit: kangetwater ]. Get your FREE E-book. I’m offering you the chance to try FREE samples. These samples will help you heal, lose weight, and stay healthy. Bonus Article: https://youtube/watch?v=oRE2eIdYRtY If you want to join a great Cause and if you enjoy helping people, I have an awesome business opportunity for you. Message me for complete details.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 21:18:26 +0000

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