WHAT IM ABOUT TO WRITE THIS MORNING MAY UPSET SOME PEOPLE OR MAY EVEN INSPIRE SOME PEOPLE. EITHER WAY THIS IS FOR YOU. PLEASE SHARE. Look at your 2014 and ask yourself the question, what have I achieved or done that advanced me from the position I was in last year? Could I have done more? As a individual, did U set goals for 2014? Have U met those goals? Did U prepare yourself to be ready for opportunities when they presented themselves or are U still complaining about your condition, which is the same condition you were in last year. U MADE NEED TO REMOVE SOME NEGATIVE, TOXIC PEOPLE FROM YOUR LIFE. MAYBE U ARE NOT NOTA VICTIM, MAYBE U ARE A VOLUNTEER!! ALTHOUGH MY NETWORK IS BIG, MY INNER CIRLE IS VERY SMALL. As an artist, have U been able to bring out that book or CD youve desired to bring out or was this just another year of wishful thinking. Have U done more than just open mics and occasional features, have U traveled this year? Have U gotten professional entertainment photos yet, do U have a photo for a flyer if someone asked U for one? Do U have a bio, an EPK, business cards, a good quality YouTube video of your performances, etc? Many people watch my page and I have no idea until I talk to them. They say things like, man Ice U doing it, U are everywhere or they just ask me, what do U have coming up this weekend, automatically assuming that I have something coming up. It amazes me how I am viewed sometimes as an artist from those outside looking in. Even my haters admit to others, yea Ice is on his business. TRUTH IS, I LOVE WHAT I DO and 28 years ago, when I first stepped on the stage as a Hop Hop artist, I knew that I wanted to do what I am doing now. Now what my supporters dont see is, me, waking up every morning at 4:30am, going to work every morning, falling asleep behind the wheel on my way home from work at times, because this lifestyle comes with a price. They dont see the radio station I run which means that a lot my nights have to be spent listening to the shows that air on P.O.E.T radio, which sometimes, if there are technical difficulties, I have step in and get involved or the 2 shows I actually host Monday & Tuesday night. They dont see the hours I spend in the studio either producing my album or producing CDs of other artist. They dont see the family life, dealing with family problems that most of us have. They dont see the hours of planing and organizing that I do before a flyer is even posted. Hell, Im working on my Feb 7th event now, while promoting and preparing for my December events. My point is, many started out with me and many are no longer around. It is CONSISTENCY AND DEDICATION that has preserved my career and have led to the blessings that GOD has bestowed upon me and those blessings has allowed me to bless others. I want to inspire all of U as we enter into mans new year, 2015. If U have not been able to excel beyond your current condition, situation or career, link up with someone who is already doing what U aspire 2 do. Also, stop being so cheap that U are not willing to invest in your own health, advancement or career. I pay thousands of dollars a year to market and promote my brand and create opportunities for others. Every ticket and flyer design cost, every venue cost, transportation cost, insurance cost, photos cost, videos all cost. Pay dues to join a progressive social club or organization, hire a manager or an agent, no man is an island, U CANNOT DO THIS YOURSELF. Be willing to SACRIFICE, BE DEDICATED & CONSISTENT. I thank God for my rib Toy Ann McCray who helps me manifest all the ideas in my head. I thank God for good mentors like Sax Preacher whos principles that he taught me when I was 16, I still use to this day. I thank God for P.O.E.T, Legends Of Chicago Hip Hop and Hobbs Entertainment, my Terror Records Family and TRAXX family, we have done incredible historical things together. I close with this. I saw this video on my sister Paulette Stinson page and when I watched it, it confirmed that the movements are on the right track. WATCH THIS VIDEO OF DENZEL WASHINGTON mentoring actors. Poetess BittaSweet Bernadette Boozer Mark Hankton Marcus Flyy Guyy Hankton Shannon DoinMe Hawthorne Azia Hawthorne-Kastura Marcia Hawthorne Tammy Hawthorne Vera Hawthorne Rosilyn Randall-Hawthorne Douglas R. Hudson Kiki Changing-Faces J Ken OKelly Jacqui Wilson Cody Butler Bernadette Black DaMonica GoodnPlenty Render Drina LoveIs Johnson Niecey Bear Vernaulda Sanders Antonia Sanders Vernea Upton Leslie Hughes Omar Brothero Gadling Nina Kapone
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 16:15:07 +0000

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