WHAT IS BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR FIRST LESSON: JOHN 20:7 And the handkerchief, which had been about his head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded in a place by itself. SECOND LESSON: EPHESIANS 4:4-6 One body and one spirit, even as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and throughout all, in us all. GOLDEN TEXT: 1 PETER 2:17 Honor all men; love the brotherhood; fear God; honor the king. Dear brethren, we want to reveal an important thing to you. The three lessons will give you an idea of what we are going to reveal. So please, be attentive. You may say that you know what Brotherhood means, but we know from our hearts, that no one knows the meaning. People have interpreted different ways. It is as a result of these misconceptions that we have decided to take this opportunity to preach this gospel. Therefore, today shall go down in history as a great day: a day of revelation; a day Brotherhood will be reveled to the world. Professors of history from different universities have from time to time been coming to tell us the Origin of Brotherhood. We have in each case laughed at the limitation of their wisdom and have asked them to go and love one another. Anyone on the surface of the globe who tells you that he has known the foundation of Brotherhood does not tell the truth. In this Gospel, we are not including the words, Cross and star, but Brotherhood only. Search yourselves, you who say, that you are not Brotherhood, whether you are not Brotherhood. What is the meaning of Brotherhood? It means God, Christ and the Angels. It means the people of this world, the fishes in the water, the trees in the forests, the grass that grows in the fields, the ground we walk on. Brotherhood means the sky, the Wind, the Moon, the Sun, the Stars. It means the worms, the ants, and the birds. Brotherhood means every four footed animal and every creeping thing. In short, Brotherhood means everything created by God. Brotherhood means oneness. God and everything created by him put together are Brotherhood. Who owns Brotherhood? It is God who owns, rules and leads it. But Christ takes charge. What are the duties of Angels? They are servants in Brotherhood. What are the duties of people? They too, are workers in Brotherhood. The Stars, Sun, Moon, Fishes, Animals, Birds, etc., are all workers in Brotherhood. Brotherhood Means The Word of God Brotherhood means oneness. It is the word it is the truth. What is the word? It is God, Christ, human beings; it is everything in the world. Brotherhood is the word of God. Why is it that people of this world do not know what Brotherhood means? It is because it is not given to them to understand. Brotherhood is not a Society it is not a Cult. It is the Spirit of Love. I am Brotherhood you are Brotherhood. You do not need to say, I want to be Brotherhood. You are Brotherhood whether you like it or not. Everybody is Brotherhood. To those who want to know its origin, we say Brotherhood has no origin. It has no beginning it has no end. Except a person wants to know the origin of God. Brotherhood was not founded by Christ, angels or man. It was founded by God himself. God the founder is Love. It is truth; it is good manners, mercy, and patience. It is humility, meekness, and unity. It is oneness; it is one thought, one mind, one spirit, one faith, and one hope. There is no division in Brotherhood. From the smallest child in the cradle to the oldest man: from the smallest village to the biggest city: all countries in the world put together are Brotherhood. WHAT IS CROSS Anybody who wants to follow me, but does not want to take up the Cross after me, cannot be my follower (CHRIST). Brethren, our Gospel is about the CROSS. After that celebrated Gospel on what is Brotherhood during the Pentecostal Convention, many had thought the Gospels on the Cross and Star would follow. But since my Father did not give the signal throughout the convention, I could not do anything more than to allow his will to prevail. This afternoon brethren, it has pleased him and he has given the signal that I should do so. Therefore, I shall be failing in my duty as his mouthpiece, if I should fail to give you the Gospel on the Cross today. Some think to give alms means carrying the Cross: others think that to heal the sick by praying, means carrying the Cross. Others think to pray three times a day means carrying the Cross; yet another class of people thinks that to pay tithe, Freewill Offering and Charity means carrying the Cross. The Cross-has been made into different forms. Some hang it around their necks; some hang it on their walls. Christ says we should carry the Cross. Do all those things mean you are carrying the Cross? We all know that Christ fell down with the Cross-as he was carrying it to Calvary. Does carrying the Cross mean that a piece of wood has to be carried? Without the Cross, the world could not have been saved. The Cross-is light and it can also be heavy. For the world to be in perfect peace, each of us must carry the Cross. By what means does one convert a smoker, a snuffer, a fornicator, a thief, a murderer, a back-stabber, or a liar? Is it by carrying the Cross? If we all should decide today to take up the Cross, the sins of the world would vanish immediately. What is the Cross? Is it vision and prophecy? Or building houses for people: giving food to people, buying clothes for them? If Jesus had only healed and prophesied without carrying the Cross, his work could come to nothing. IT MEANS BEARING ONE ANOTHERS BURDEN If you buy a vehicle for brethren to go on ministry works so that their job is less difficult, you are not carrying the Cross. The Cross-is not as immense as you might have imagined. It is very small, it is light, but it is also very heavy. What is the Cross? Cross means bearing anothers burdens without complaining: tolerating all sinners, murderers, thieves, and back-stabbers, etc. If one accuses you falsely, yet you stand firm with Christ: if you are spat on, jeered at, disgraced without any cause: if you are insulted without just cause, yet you tolerate such a person wholeheartedly, you are carrying the Cross. If you are informed that someone has planned to kill you and you will not run away, then you are carrying the Cross. To carry the Cross does not cost anything. To be able to carry the Cross, you must resign yourself completely to God. You must be loving, humble, you must have patience, you must be forgiving, you must see another person as being better than yourself, you must not be envious. If Jesus did not possess these qualities, he could not have carried the Cross. If you remain with a cunning man without hurting his feelings for being crafty, if you can stay with a notorious liar, happily, without stirring up his anger when he tells you a lie, when one persecutes you falsely and seeks to destroy your life, yet you tolerate him, you are carrying the real Cross. WHAT IS STAR? THE GREAT LIGHT You have been reading in the scriptures about a secret name. That secret name is the Star. The Star is Christ. The Star is the glory of God and it is the glory of Christ. The Star is the revelation of God. It is the hidden name that no one knows. The Star indicates the reign and the glory of Christ. The Star here does not refer to the constellation above. The Star means the brightness of God and the power of his reign. The Star is the peace of the Almighty God that governs the universe. There is no other Monarch other than Christ, the Star. From his birth, the great light has been shinning over Christs head. It is the only light that shines the whole world over. Therefore, it is not enough for someone to be a Brotherhood only, or to carry the Cross alone, but to be worthy children of the Kingdom. To be worthy children of the Kingdom of God we must be of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. The Star indicates those who will rule and are ruling with him. The Star is the ruler of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. He is Christ, and Christ did not come alone. The Father is here, the Son is here and the Holy Spirit is here. He is in the Father, Christ is the City of which we are told. No light is needed, because he shines there. The Father and the Son shine to eternity. The name of the morning Star is known to Christ alone and is not know to human beings. We worship the Star, which is Christ. The Cross-we must carry. The Star is the glory that reigns over the whole world. In his first coming, Christ passed through pain and tribulation. The primary aim of his second coming is to rule in glory. It is the glory indicative of his reign. He is coming to take up his kingship and rule. His kingdom is here on Earth. The Star means Christ, his glory and that of his father. He has arrived with the father to live with men on earth. He comes in glory to rule the whole world. He has not come to serve, suffer and die, as he did in his first coming. Each time the almighty father sends his Son out; he gives him a new name. His disciples were also given different names. When he departed from the world, his disciples were called Christians. When he worked among men, he was called Jesus. He asked his disciples, Who do men say that I am? He was told; he was the Christ, the Son of God. He warned them not to call him that name and requested them to keep it a secret to themselves. God knows best why his Son should be given a new name each time he is sent to earth. When you hear the name Christ, you cannot say who the Anointed One is. When he is called Star, you cannot distinguish one from the other. The Star radiates light. His glory and his reign go into eternity. Christ is the light, he is Jehovah God. Imagine how sweet the name sounds in a believers ear. It is the light that blinded Saul on his way to Damascus. Christs name is only known to the father and the Son. THANK YOU FATHER. Sermon Delivered by the Solo Spiritual Head OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 17:03:22 +0000

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