WHAT IS CHRISTIANITY ... The question that have been asked - TopicsExpress


WHAT IS CHRISTIANITY ... The question that have been asked oftentimes have been , Who is a Christian , But then , I think when we understand what Christianity is , then can we come to the context of whom a Christian is. Some clergy men of God both on TV and radio stations have often said , Christianity lies in the heart and they have well said. But I am coming from a whole new dimension of understanding what Christianity is about and I think when you as a Christian understand this , then can you examine yourself and know where you stand. First and foremost , Christianity is not a Sunday activity that we often see people do as if it is a formality but Christianity is continuing in Christ from Sunday to Sunday. Now , when Saul who became Paul was persecuting Christians all over Israel and its borders , it was written that , On a particular faithful day , this heartless Saul went after the frightened fled Christians who were in hide out in Damascus , It is said that he encountered JESUS on the way and was immediately blinded as a result of the glorious light that shone around the LORD and this was what went on. It is written in THE ACTS 9:3 , And as he journeyed , he came near Damascus : and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven : 4 , And he fell to the earth , and heard a voice saying unto him , Saul , Saul , why persecutest thou me ? 5 , And he said , Who art thou , Lord ? And the Lord said , I am Jesus whom thou persecutest : it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks ... This is what went on when Saul came in divine contact with the Christ of the world. From this verse , I think we will know what is Christianity and who is a Christian. The Lord answered Saul , I am JESUS whom you are persecuting , and remember , remember the LORD never said I am the leader of the sect you are persecuting or I am the founder thereof but , I am JESUS whom you are persecuting , and this answer says it all. A Christian therefore is a representative of JESUS on this earth. A Christian is the similitude of Christ on this earth and I want to ask you wherever you are , Is the Christian life you are living depicting the Christ in you ? Are you living a Christ like life ? Until you as a Christian come to this understanding that , when you became born again you were crucified to your old life and Christ is supposed to be the one living the life you are currently living and can you boldly and vigorously say , Yes , this life I am living is Christ living through me through righteousness ? . Are you sure ? Is that what you call Christianity , that worldly life ? You see , this is the point where a lot of so called Christians will find themselves in Hell because they never lived for Christ through righteousness all in the name of excess grace teachings that they were possessed with. When you lift up your worship and prayer before God , God is not looking at you Susan but JESUS. So you see , Christianity is not a religion neither an activity people normally and formally observe on an appointed time , but Christianity is JESUS. When you come to this realm of understanding Christianity and would live in it , thats when , when people hate you for no reason they are likely to die. Thats when , when people curse you they are likely to die. Thats when , when people gossip about you , they are likely to be stroken down. You should come and see me praying one day. Im a wicked guy in prayer. The calm picture you see here is not really me , Im a dangerous , monstrous guy in prayer , so I send warning to all who tries me spiritually should be ready to fight the battle unto the end. If you are living that is not depicting JESUS , It is of no doubt that demons are worrying you , therefore I pray for you. Whatever unrighteousness demon in your life , I command that demon , OUT of your life and I command the angels of God to arrest and jail them for eternal judgement in JESUS name . God bless you and as you are blessed , stay blessed by challenging and renewing your flesh with the Word of God. Stay Blessed. Stay Positive. But then , learn ye rather.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 13:21:45 +0000

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