WHAT IS FAITH ? Faith is a theological and not a simple word that - TopicsExpress


WHAT IS FAITH ? Faith is a theological and not a simple word that can be understood by any ordinary person. Hence, in Hebrew 11:1, 2 the writer defined Faith as, “Now faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a GOOD TESTIMONY.” The writer uses three important words to understand “faith”. And these are: 1. SUBSTANCE: In matters of food, the substance refers to the important contents and ingredients on it that makes our bodies healthy. In matter of “Thoughts” or “Principles”, the substance may refer to the uniqueness, or originality or the values of this and its contribution either in Education or in Politics. Therefore if you believe on something that cannot be seen, you can only affirm to others that you believe on it by showing the effect on this in your life. Substance then is the quality response on what you believe in.. This could be a change in ones outlook in life; a change in ones ways; a change in lifestyle; a change in the laws you obey; a change in the God you follow; a change in the books you usually read; a change in places you usually go; a change the people you mingle with, etc. 2. EVIDENCE: Faith is evidence of things not seen. If you saw a ghost and you tell it to others about it, but they don’t see what you saw, nor they believe in Ghosts, they will just say you are just lying or you are merely hallucinating. Have you seen God? NO. Then what is your evidence to others that you really believe in this God that you don’t see? Therefore you will act like your idol God is. This is your evidence. He is your idol; therefore, you will make His ways to be your ways. You would like to think what He thinks and would like to talk to Him always. You now want to go to places where He wanted you to go. You would like to talk to people who like to talk to your idol, your God. If He is a jealous God then you frown and avoid people who exalt themselves as if they are God too. 3. GOOD TESTIMONY: The writer enumerated the testimonies of Abel , Enoch, Noah , Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, harlot Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, Daniel, and many more who were not named but were tortured, burned, killed by sword, mocked, chains, imprisoned, stoned, sawn in two, afflicted and tormented. Faith is the life that transpired after you accept that belief, the principle you insist to follow, the courage you face and the willingness to die, just to prove what is inside your mind called belief. THESE THREE WORDS IS ENOUGH TO DEFINE FAITH AND BE UNDERSTOOD BY AN ORDINARY PERSON: SUBSTANCE, EVIDENCE, AND GOOD TESTIMONY. Faith is not a passive word that dwells in your mind. It is an Action Word. It is the Good Work that you do as an evidence of the passive word called belief. In the Old Testament at age 75 Abraham was required by God to follow Him from the city of Ur to the promise land Canaan. At 99 years old, God made a covenant with Him by circumcision and to all His descendants after 24 years of OBEDIENCE. “Abraham believed in the Lord God and He accounted it to him for righteousness”(Genesis 15:6). Believing God is therefore OBEYING God. Hence Faith is HARD WORK, GOOD WORKS OR OBEDIENCE. “For without Faith it is impossible to please God.”(Hebrew 11:6a) Many thought that we are not saved by GOOD WORKS, as said in Ephesians 2:9 “not of works”. NO and NEVER. Faith without good works is dead. Those words “we are not saved by works” mean we are not saved by WORKS OF CIRCUMCISION- the initial rite of entry to Jewish religion. However, good works should not be credited to the believer alone. It is grace of God which is the result of the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. “For without Christ we can do nothing”.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 14:01:34 +0000

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