WHAT IS FREEDOM?. CAN WE EVER BE CALLED FREE? IS FREEDOM A CHOICE OR RULE? LET US FIND OUT IF INDEED THERE IS FREEDOM. We were told to be free beings, and that we have the right to express our ideas the way it may well explain how we feel and think from the inside. We were also told that we have the right to question phenomenon that we may perceive to be abnormal. That we may quest in our passion to uncover the unknown, tell the truth even when it seems bitter. Aspire to inspire the earth that we live in. Unknown to our passion and quest, the institutions of religion and government have placed restrictions to these rights. There are restrictions to virtually every thing we do in life. There are restrictions to freedom of speech, even when it is true. Restriction in our quest to uncover the unknown through science. Our quest to experience life through the power of the mind have all be restricted by man made laws. WHEN YOU EXPECT ANOTHER MAN TO SET YOU FREE, THEN YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE. The great SOCRATES paid the great price of speaking his mind to the listening of GREEK audience, and he was killed by the late Greek Empire. LEONARDO DA VINCI was also destroyed by his knowledge of the earth in round shape. STEPHEN HAWPKINS was out rightly rejected by the Catholic church for declaring creation to have emerged through the BLACK HOLE. Martin Luther King was killed by his idea of human equality. Many have paid the ultimate price trying to express the idea in public. Now the question arises, (ARE WE INDEED FREE? IS FREEDOM POSSIBLE). Freedom is very difficult to find in any nation of this earth, and it will always be frustrated. There are certain truth that may not be allowed to be spoken or made known to others. Some of the truth we know may be forbidden by some institutions when declared publicly. If this is the case, then there is no FREEDOM. Our freedom to question RELIGION, POLITICS, GOVERNMENT, CREATION, SCIENCE and LIFE itself is to some extent regarded as forbidden. Where then is the Freedom? Is Freedom a choice or a Rule? Can peaking out your mind cost your life? If you are to place restrictions to certain ideas, then FREEDOM is Non existent. BE FREE IN YOUR THOUGHT, BUT NOT IN YOUR ENVIRONMENT. Freedom may cost your life.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 20:54:58 +0000

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