WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN WHEN THE BRIDE IS REMOVED FROM THE EARTH IN THE RAPTURE? There will be sudden destruction, a nuclear event, a solicited one will occur in the US at the time of The Rapture. This is what will elicit the rapture. I will NOT allow My Bride to be radiated or destroyed. She is mine. I paid a High Price on the cross for her and laid down my life for her. I will NOT allow evil men & an evil system to harm her in any way. WHAT WILL THIS MEAN FOR THOSE LEFT BEHIND? Those left behind will be the sorriest people on this earth. There will be great moans & groans & weeping sweeping across the earth. The Earth will be in Ruins bc of multiple nuclear reactions across the globe, not only in the US but All across the Globe. The people will Realize something very Evil has happened. Marshall LAW will b ushered in quickly to CONTROL the people bc of widespread Looting, Robbery& Crime. Ppl will be attacked and robbed in the streets, in their yards & their homes. NO ONE WILL B SAFE. There will be widespread hunger and Lack of drinking Water. Ppl will become desperate and like wild animals. The world has never seen the Evil that will b unleashed when The Bride is TAKEN. IS THERE A WAY FOR THOSE LEFT BEHIND TO BE SAVED? YEs , they must profess their Faith in me to Authorities & REFUSE the RFID health care Chip in their hand or Forehead. They will then b arrested, tortured in FEMA CAMPS & Beheaded. These children will arrive in Heaven in glory for they refused The mark of the beast, the health care Chip. I will give them each a crown with Jewels for their martyrdom.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 10:42:02 +0000

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