WHAT IS HELLP SYNDROME? Find out below...... PLEASE SHARE..... - TopicsExpress


WHAT IS HELLP SYNDROME? Find out below...... PLEASE SHARE..... this photo and description has previously been shared over 900 times, for your chance to get hold of a 2015 awareness calendar for free courteousy of our page all you need to do is SHARE THIS STATUS AND COMMENT BELOW SHARED, If the post is shared at least 100 times I will pick a name at random and send a calendar (Ill personally make the donation) alternatively, if you really want a copy you can purchase one, details can be found on the page and you will be helping support two great charities. ............................................................................................................ HELLP syndrome is a combined liver and blood clotting disorder that can affect pregnant women. It is a variant of pre-eclampsia but you dont have to have pre-e to have HELLP, It can come quick and alone. It can appear any time after 20 weeks of pregnancy but in very rare cases such as my own before 20 weeks! (I had it at 16 weeks, 2 days) It can also happen after delivery! The letters in the name, HELLP, stand for each part of the condition: H is for haemolysis. This is where the red blood cells in the blood break down. EL is for elevated liver enzymes (proteins). A high number of enzymes in the liver is a sign of liver damage. LP is for low platelet count. Platelets are cells in the blood that help it to clot. The only way to treat the condition is to deliver the baby as soon as possible, If left untreated it can be fatal for both Mother and Child. The most common reasons for the mother to become critically ill or die are liver rupture or stroke. These can usually be prevented when caught in time. If you or someone you know has any of these symptoms, please see a doctor immediately, this page was set up after my husband and I lost our little girl in March 2012. There seems t be very little awareness and knowledge regarding such a potentially life threatening illness. The main danger to the baby is from premature birth.The death rate among babies born to mothers with HELLP syndrome depends on birth weight and the development of the babys organs, especially the lungs. HELLP occurs in about 1 to 2 out of 1,000 pregnancies, and in 10-20% of pregnant women with severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia. Many women have high blood pressure and are diagnosed with pre-eclampsia before they develop HELLP syndrome. However, in some cases, HELLP symptoms are the first warning of pre-eclampsia and the condition can be misdiagnosed, so If you feel something is wrong be persistant with your midwife or doctor. This is not to panic or worry pregnant women, its to potential save lives- knowledge is power! SYMPTOMS Very high blood pressure Protein in the urine (This is diagnosed at docs or hosp but you can request it and at home usually the colour will indicate somethings wrong) Fatigue or feeling unwell Fluid retention and excess weight gain Swelling-face and/or hands Headache Nausea and vomiting that continues to get worse Pain in the upper right part of the abdomen Blurry vision Nosebleed or other bleeding that wont stop easily (rare) Seizures or convulsions (rare) Please don’t ignore the signs and symptoms, if you think you may be showing the signs get checked out and If you know something’s wrong don’t let people tell you otherwise! You know your own body! If you do have one or more its probably nothing serious and just normal pregnancy but better to be safe, I was one of the lucky ones even though we did lose our precious baby!!!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:15:13 +0000

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