WHAT IS LOVE ? Love doesnt bring together, it can let go, it - TopicsExpress


WHAT IS LOVE ? Love doesnt bring together, it can let go, it lets people go and it lets people be. Love isn’t humanity since love to a false notion or doctrine or belief or delusion creates chaos. Love is exceptional, love is a case to be analyzed and worked out, it is instinctive but instinct must be controlled and measured and tailored with our gifted executive functions of conscience and rationale. Life and the world itself becomes a conflict of loves, multiple loves, symbolic loves and identifying loves. Love is not simple. We need love that is reasonable, well educated, well thought out, well discerning and free without prejudice or jealousy, that is the only love that is acceptable and endorsed. Love will go uncontrolled and turn on us in selfish manners if otherwise. Culture is all about the conflict of loves and dedications, let’s redefine love and use it carefully in appropriate and controlled and well allocated measures, let’s refine and polish whatever culture is ours, not in a supercilious manner but in an expressive one, an expressive one that we can truly love and proudly present to humanity and collective good. Love has no single image, but its image is projected and what you represent is what you love, and what you represent is what your truth, who you deem of inherent value, is, and whatever your truth is is what you love. Our images are variable, our personalities are fickle, what we hold true one day is no longer true in the next or in the next lifetime. In other words, love changes our dedicated notions and projected facets of our persona and social interaction change. We are constantly changing for the better or worse, but we are learning, we make actions and mistakes and we go forward and at the same time possibly backward. We are yearning for the way and behavior that works, the self identity that works, but we do not understand the social mechanism behind this and that starts with love and the greatest most applicable and truest truth and the search but never conquest of it, whatever is true is something with a figment of inherent value; find value, accumulate value with the right machinery and tactics in the book and off the book, find a truer truth. Accumulate value in every facet and dont be ashamed with fear and stigma. Everyone is so afraid to pursue what is value, is is hard to discern what may be value, value is so intricately tied with culture and do and dont’s and value this over that in society, all these preferences set a “love more” tag on one item over another or others. The thing is you may be putting a “love more” value on because others deem it so and hold a fear of taking the risk to step out of that and adapt a new mindset you may implicitly or calculate to determine to have more “value”. In order to grow you must defy ideas over ideas and all these do’s and dont’s, think like these or think like those. Do something independently or with advice for yourself, grow in value, dont grow in set beliefs, although tradition should not be discredited. Courage, is for growth, discernment is for growth, and that is the attitude behind these complex philosophical ideas of the details of such an inner functioning and mechanism. Value and “truth” which are the manifestation of value, must be controlled as a cognizant being as with freedom. Freedom is a prize after all, as is value in all its forms and shapes, it comes differently to everyone. So in solution, express your truth manifest in culture, predilections, ideas, and image, truth that drives it all, finding the right mix and expressive ways of things, suiting to your and your values which truth may of course be tied to. Say what you mean, dress what you express, choose your coffee, talk like a surfer, find a new spirituality, reconnect with a friend, vote in politics. Find the truth, not just any truth - there are multiple truth - but find the truth that works and will compromise. Love is a preference, you cannot love without mild hate or feelings of neutrality. Love is therefore a measurement, its a preference, its a choice, yes love is a choice. If love is a choice, your preferred actions, which drive attitude, ideas, preferences, political religious and intellectual beliefs, are a manifestation of love. Love is a choice you’ve made, and the conscious choices you’ve made you have loved at a moment, the choice being anything tangible to intangible. Find the love that works, and not the love that is dogmatic, unserving, uncompromising, single minded, jealous, possessive, irrational, and harmful to free spiritedness. Dogmatic love to one ideal life situation or religious or political belief will destroy you if the love isnt well thought out and refined and replete with clarity. Love was meant to be free, culture was meant to be free, as truth is meant to be free. Let the world be free, and let truth ring in decided and educated measures. With freedom control is needed, freedom needs to be crafted it needs to be prepared, as culture is crafted, and as love and dedication are crafted. There is one love yet there is no one love, love is complicated as facts and dedications are complicated, but choose the best of all loves, not singlehandedly, but intellectually and cohesively as a society. The one love we all share is the love for freedom, rationale, and self actualization and furthering one’s and society’s horizons. There are multiple loves but there is one superordinate one or multiple superordinate ones, as aforementioned, the key to humanity and spirituality. It is not in all cases repentance or confession, which are means to create norms, enforce rules and ultimately control which actually is necessary for freedom, although they are overrated and unnecessary in some cases, another unique facet of man’s struggle with freedom and the truth that comes with it. As with the wide range of tactics to maintain the uncontrollable almost in human spiritual manners in a conforming institution, an institution being another making of man’s way to organize the man power and sheer population into dissectable groups, there is another side that gets forgotten on the occasion, and amply exalted specifically in the modern era, and perhaps not so much in the past, and that is human individuality and uniqueness as a receptive and artistic and complex soul that needs to be respected. An individual is no asphyxiated with the inundation of society, an individual creates society and society creates individuals. A person’s loves are unique, as unique as a particular symbol and representative of our particular mixes of cultures, from coast to coast, from country to country, from household to household, from schools to schools, from friends to friends, from media to media. Love is culture and culture is part of truth manifested. Culture is identity and identity is preference of ideas which is driven by a love of what has been encountered in the past. Culture is a compilation of chosen truths, or items that seem to have inherent value. Culture is the compilation, it is the pretentious and superficial and obligatory, yet it is the personal deep and complex. Culture is in fact very much like a human being in society. Let culture and love ring to the best of own’s potential and discerning capabilities. Culture and beliefs are love manifested, they are the outcomes of our convictions, they become our image. Culture and love must be controlled in other to be set free and in order to create a greater more wholesome and expressive truth, even if it reflects human insecurities. Governments love to control people, it loves the power, how it manages the power is variable, humanitarian or didactic with theories abounding. Look at the laws in society, it is whether this love is allocated and prepared correctly, not instinctive but intellectual utilizing our raw and extraordinary minds, that differentiates a true government to a less true government. Compare countries throughout the globe for exemplification, there is no need to further elaborate, furthermore there is no need to describe the momentous significance and turning point of truth and love that was the Constitution or the confusion of the love and passion that was Communism. Governments become our culture, which becomes our image, and what we love enough to represent, or on the other hand, feel compelled to overthrow. Our image and culture are what we love, because it is our convictions that we love, and culture is the style and classification of conviction driven actions, everything is intentional. Actions are intentional, as are the convictions chosen before hand, as are the overarching and descriptive culture we represent, and image is definitely intentional as a person’s complicated compilation of the picking and choosing of variable cultures they have encountered, with items chosen to greater affection and adherence that are exemplified in their behavior, speech, ideas, and attire even. Everything can considered to be a truth, every action and thought in reality is reified, by the existentialist Sartre, but there are degrees and levels and characteristics of different truths. Truth is defined as an inherent value, the value being of any essence. When Saddam Hussein commits an atrocity against Iran, the sheer value of malice is a truth in itself, as there is a truth to every vice, as there is a truth to any dark side. Is the line of malice in proper adherence to a general moral code? No, however this does not defy the truth of the vice. Without the truth of the vice there is no truth in the logical relation of its contrapositive to goodness. Vice has a truth because vice has a value and a purpose as an opposer to what is good, the validity of the scale needs to be established. Without vice there is no good, there is truth in its relation as well. Therefore everything, no matter how malicious, irrational or absurd has truth. Everything theory is valid a theory, a truth of existence is a valid truth of existence, but there are different kinds of theories as are there different types of existences. Every culture is valid no matter how debilitating, every notion and culture is valid, what differs and the nature and extending implications and affects of these reifications in question. In another world one plus one equals two, it is all variable and dependent on the context, even the irrational has a truth. Love, culture, effective and humanitarian truth, and freedom. We will find love not by repeating “love is the solution to humanity”, it may and it may not be, depending, and there is always a “depending” on the situation of the matter. Let whatever chosen and manifest be the greatest inimical quality of the ultimate twisted and highly complex and variable truth which even requires ideas that set precedence to clarify human judgment and understanding, although ultimate is never reached, ideals will always stand higher and more simply in phrasing, still however contestable.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:09:48 +0000

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