WHAT IS NEXT ON YOUR AGENDA? QUOTE OF THE DAY: “THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING NEXT TO DO” Memory Verse: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1. Having successfully taken a step or accomplished a feat especially in line with your dream, there is always something next to do. God structures life such that the conclusion of a task opens door for another task; the accomplishment of a goal calls for another one, and at the end of it all you will realize that as long as we are still breathing, we are bound to keep solving problems, addressing issues of life, breaking new grounds and thus, to keep moving. The question now is: what is the next thing in your life’s plan? Even God unfolds His plans for man in the Bible. Which chapter of your life do you want to open now? Is it marriage, travelling abroad for an assignment, changing your job, having a house of your own? Could it be that the right time has come for you to answer God’s call? Identify and define the next step you want to take and prayerfully set out to achieve it on time. In other words, set another goal, have another dream or set another target. Without a target, there will be nothing to pursue. Having identified and decided on the next thing to do, three things are important in order to successfully accomplish your next dream. Be determined. Be resolute because some forces or human agents would come along your way to discourage you and except your mind is made up, you may abandon your goal. Put your goal within a reasonable time frame. This will weaken the force of procrastination, besides, everything within you willwake up and line up once you are working within a time frame. Start now with whatever you have and wherever you are. Do not wait until all conditions are favourable before you set out in pursuit of your next project. You are the next to be lifted. Today, your life ceases to be an object of mockery. DIVINE INSTRUCTION FOR THE DAY EACH DAY COMES LIKE AN OPEN CHEQUE; YOU CAN FILL IN WHAT YOU WANT. OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND MAKE ADECLARATION OF WHAT YOU WANT THIS NEW DAY TO DELIVER TO YOU. IN THIS SAME MANNER,REJECT WHATEVER YOU DO NOT WANT. A CLOSED MOUTH MAY MEAN A CLOSED PORTION. PROPHETIC PRAYERS Oh Lord, make all grace abound to me. Let your presence be my companionthroughout today. I receive the anointing to advance forcefully in destiny. Guide me through by the light of your word. I refuse to trade my purpose in life for worthless things of this world. FURTHER STUDY: Mark 4:35-41. Read the Bible through in one year: Deuteronomy Chapters 13 – 16. Remember to further prophesy on yourself! Pls like and share
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 06:23:00 +0000

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