WHAT IS SHARED CAPACITANCE? How is it that humans have - TopicsExpress


WHAT IS SHARED CAPACITANCE? How is it that humans have progressed so rapidly in science, mathematics and engineering, yet we continue to exhibit behaviors that result in misunderstanding, suspicion, bigotry, hatred, and even violence in our dealings with other people and with other cultures? Alfred Korzybski 1879-1950 In 1931, Alfred Korzybski, a Polish-American scientist and philosopher, coined the phrase the map is not the territory as to imply the words we use to describe perceived reality from reality itself. Basically saying that we often confuse the territory (our actual reality) with the map (the way our minds represent reality) and arent truly aware that we are doing so. And even as we continue to communicate with others as though we share the same territory on the same map, of which causes conflict and the distorted reality we see today. For Shared Capacitance to be effective, we must remember, the Lord has said, the kingdom of Heaven is within us, for as we think in our heart, so we are. Individually, or as a group, we must recognize that the map is not the territory. Ones understanding of this greatly influences ones Capacitance. The evidence to support Shared Capacitance is exciting as one who believes in its potential, as one sees the evidence from the research in neuroscience taking place right now, we are able to more fully understand the way our mind(s) create biases, and misconceptions and how ones current paradigm of thinking filters and prevents us from seeing reality as it is. We come to this, Shared Capacitance (a phrase which I have coined). This knowledge which is not only learnable, but essential. As individuals, as a group, and even as a species, Shared Capacitance is about becoming one, creating an on-going dialogue with God and with one another. We must strive to stay in touch with one anothers evolution of thinking. This Shared Capacitance will not only yield understanding, but new energy for transformation and growth. As those who have come before have had no examples of civilizations with any witness, or understanding of Gods accomplishments greater than they had witnessed themselves, with the exception of the Lords Spirit, There was none save the faithful That would even understand. It is, I suspect, the Spirit, that which has traveled across space and time and capable of accelerating the evolution of intelligent life. Along with this the use of neural science is suggested, as our minds are born again. And at this stage that Shared Capacitance though invisible,is so obviously apparent. As the law of gravity we all must obey, or be brought down by invisible chains, ready to be broken, yet we are still restrained. Break these dark chains which restrain us, love one another and the truth shall set us free. I dont want to leave you with a cliff hanger. Not even with a conclusion or a dramatic ending, but standing on a precipice, seeing that the best is yet to come. Original writing by M.A.Powell June 21, 2014 youtu.be/Uq8Dgcy4MDY
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 01:22:43 +0000

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