WHAT IS THE FATE OF OUR FAITH? FAITH AND CONFESSION/RECONCILIATION In the Gospel of Matthew, we were made to understand the confession of Peter: “You are Christ, the Son of the living God” a confession which does not come from him but prompted by Christ’s Father in heaven. (910) Matthew 16:16. Because of this confession, Jesus replied: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church” (911) Matthew 16:18. Again, when Jesus speaks/confessed of his death and resurrection, of the path of God which does not correspond to the human path of power, flesh and blood re-emerge in Peter which demonstrated that he is human. The scripture said that: “He (Peter) took Jesus aside and began to rebuke him ... This must never happen to you” (912) Matthew 16:22. Jesus’ response is harsh: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me” (913) Matthew 16:23. In this sense it can be discovered without equivocation that whenever we let our thoughts, our feelings or the logic of human power prevail, and we do not let ourselves be taught and guided by faith, by God, we become stumbling blocks to our way of salvation. Faith in Christ is the light of our life as Christians and without this light our route in our journey of life will be shroud in perpetual and everlasting darkness. Therefore, it is only when we have realised our mistakes and make conscious effort to return to God that our life has a new meaning. This is the source and summit of the parable of the prodigal son. (914) Luke 15:17-20. It is the memory of the Fathers love which leads the sinner to return to his senses, leave his miserable state and come back home. The Father is so elated by the sons return that he calls for all to celebrate with him. There is great joy in heaven that is in God himself, over one sinner who repents in response to Gods gift of sorrow. (915) Luke 15:7. In other words, the problem is not that God is not ready or willing to forgive us or reconcile himself to us, but are we ready to come to our senses and ask God for forgiveness. Just as Peter told Christ: “that your words are spirit Lord and they are life, you have the message of eternal life” once we believe in God through faith we shall be saved and we shall live in God’s own land. (916) Romans 1:16-17. How can we be saved? It is by doing the will of God because it is those that does God’s will that will see God. (917) Matthew 5:6 & 8. God offered Christ as a sacrifice so that through his precious blood Christ becomes the victim through which sins are forgiven through the faith of the believer. (918) Romans 3:25. God always desires that sinners be reconciled to him. This is derived from his infinite love for sinners but not their sins. Jesus taught us to pray every day for forgiveness, but only as we forgive those who trespass against us. (919) Matthew 6:12. We received the Sacrament of Reconciliation worthily only when our sorrow for sin includes an openness to our neighbour and a willingness to forgive those who have wronged us. Jesus also insist as a mark of principle that before we come to the altar with the gift of our worship, we must first be reconciled with anyone who has anything against us. (920) Matthew 5:23. The exposition by Christ in the gospel of Matthew shows that there is no limit to forgiveness and reconciliation. (921) Matthew 18:22. Forgiveness is not a one-time event but must be done over and over again. This is what Jesus meant when he required that we forgive seventy times seven times, that is, over and over again. Lord Jesus, full of mercy and compassion make our hearts like unto yours. Lord Jesus Christ grant us the grace to forgive others just as you continue to forgive us. (to be continued)
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 08:42:32 +0000

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