WHAT IS THE NAKED TRUTH THAT YOU BELIEVE PERSONALLY? Many claim that EVERYTHING IS SIMPLY A SUPERLATIVE HALLUCINATION, they say its all not REAL , instead they assert [ * ITS AN ILLUSIONS THEY SCREAM & SHOUT OUT LOUD * ]. I do not mean to be facetious here at all. To give meaningful comprehension to this IDEA-CONCEPT of ^ILLUSION^ then you must have some understanding of the PHENOMENA OF TIME-SPACE-CONTINUUM. Where is this ILLUSION taking place and when does the PROVERBIAL ILLUSION is made manifest and what consciousness CALL ITS FORM AN ( illusion ) ???? Personally I observe and find mindless unwitting individuals repeating this NEW AGE DRIVEL like parrots without understanding of the implications of the IDEA- CONCEPT. Very few individuals guilty of becoming no more than PARROTS have any understanding of CREATIVITY, or WHAT THE GREAT LAW OF CONSCIOUS THOUGHT IS AS THE ULTIMATE SOURCES OF THIS SO-CALLED ILLUSION OF REALITY, nor that all apparent forms of SOLIDIFIED VITALITY has a mental or psychic origin. If this UNIVERSE IS AN ILLUSION then so are we each and all of us illusions as well. There are always psychological reasons for any phenomenon at all. Seth has informed us that THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE IS IDEA CONSTRUCTION. No one has ever seen an IDEA. Are ideas, feelings, emotions, and everything else that makes you human a grand illusion ??? What then is CONSCIOUSNESS and would these SAME PARROTS ASSERT IT TOO IS ANOTHER GRAND ILLUSION ???? Too many individuals take their BELIEFS about reality as THE NAKED TRUTH, and then they rarely ever question or examine the basis of this IDEA which is still only A BELIEF. For most of US HUMANS we allow ourselves to believe habitually without QUESTION. These beliefs are never generally recognized as MERE BELIEFS about R E A L I T Y, but are instead considered characteristics of ( reality ) itself. This is a total abrogation of our individual conscious responsibility as intelligent spiritual human personalities. Our conscious minds are always trying to give us a clear picture regarding the nature of reality. However, we allow preconceived ideas to block out this innate direct knowing of spiritual intuitive intelligence. WHY WERE YOU BORN?? WHAT ARE YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL ? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE & MEANING OF EXISTENCE ? { WHAT DOES THIS ILLUSION HAVE TO DO WITH IT and MOREOVER IS LOVE PART OF THE ILLUSION ?????? } THE NAKED COMMUNICATOR ~ JohnPaulChristopher !!! @ all existence is sacred and divine - YOU TOO INCLUDED !!!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 23:24:09 +0000

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