WHAT IS THEOLOGY? I cannot think of anything that has done more - TopicsExpress


WHAT IS THEOLOGY? I cannot think of anything that has done more damage to the spiritual growth and development of people than something called theology. The word theology comes from two words: 1) Theos meaning God; and, -logy meaning the study of. When I was matriculating my Th.B. (Bachelor of Theology) degree, I knew that something about it just wasnt right. You see, my Afrikan spirituality was at war with the program of theology and the European environment that I was in. I remember the times that I asked myself, Why are you here? Common sense told me that I CANNOT study that which is called God. Sitting in those classes did not grow my God-consciousness. Rather I was being programmed to teach what people wanted me to teach about an anthropormorphized deity. Our Afrikan Ancestors gave a God-consciousness to the world, but Europeans gave theology to the world. Our Ancestors did not attempt to study that which is called God. They simply recognized and acknowledged nature, and all things natural, as expressions and manifestations of that which is called God (by many different names). It wasnt an intellectual reality to be analyzed, conquered, documented, and doctrinalized. Rather, the reality of what was and is was simply honored, adored, respected, and praised. It wasnt until after the European (and other cultural) invasion(s) of our Motherland that the sons and daughters of Afrika began to take on trying to intellectualize and doctrinalize Mut Netcher (which Europeans later called Mother Nature). Theology (the study of God) is NOT Afrikan! Our Ancestors did not try to study that which is called God. And we certainly did not waste precious time trying to get into philosophical debates about what simply is. To the Afrikan, trying to discuss the existence of that which is called God, was just as imbecilic as trying to discuss whether or not a tree was standing in front of them. Who in their right mind would dare try to study that which is called God? The finite cannot study the infinite. The aim of theology is to document and teach others about the essence and nature of that which is called God. Consequently, people go to school and are taught (i.e., programmed) about the communicable attributes and non-communicable attributes of that which is called God. People (as was I) are taught about the immutability of God, the immateriality of God, the incorporeality of God, the invisibility of God, the omnipotence of God, the omniscience of God, the omnipresence of God, the eternity of God, the mercy of God, the grace of God, the personality of God, the sensibility of God, the emotionality of God, the immensity of God, the self-existence of God, the holiness of God, the righteousness of God, the justice of God, the goodness of God, etc., etc., etc. What we must ask ourselves is; Who did God tell all these attributes about him or herself to? Come on... THINK WITH ME! When did GOD tell someone that s/he was immutable, or omnipotent, or omnipresent, or omniscient, or eternal, or merciful, or gracious, or whatever? When did this happen and to whom was it told? How did that which is called God become a he? How did we come to start off our prayers by saying, Dear Heavenly FATHER...? When did that which is called God tell someone to say, Our Father...? Okay, I do not want to turn this into a book about theology. So, I will exercise my power to define and state that theology is a systematic and organized set of man-made concepts and ideas that is designed to create an anthropormorphized deity that cannot be comprehended or explained; while simultaneously influencing the behavior of the people who believe that these man-made concepts and ideas are legitimate and credible. As I have said so many times, he who controls the printed page controls the thinking of the age. Once these man-made concepts and ideas about that which is called God were published in literature like the Bible, the Qur`an, the Torah, The Book of Mormons, The New World Translation of The Scriptures, etc., and then taught to oncoming generations; whoever made up those concepts and ideas became the controllers of the masses. This is the goal of ALL religions! Because religion is about making people believe what you want them to think God said. Spirituality is not about what God supposedly said (as stated in some so-called sacred book), but rather the manifestation of the power that is deep within your innermost being, leading and guiding you into (and through) that which is best for you. It is individualistically unique, personal and private. It cannot be legislated, documented, or doctrinalized for others to replicate or copy. It is YOUR divine expression. Religious leaders DO NOT want you to attain this level of experience, because once you reach this level, your need for a pastor will cease to exist, and your dependency upon them would also cease to exist. When you grow to the point of being able to feed yourself by tapping into the unlimited source of power within you, you will notice that your nourishment emanates from the divine Spirit within YOU...instead of someone standing behind a pulpit. Its about time for you to be able to feed yourself now? Look at the hundreds of thousands of people who are sitting in churches (and have been so for many years), and still cannot feed themselves. Why not?
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 00:39:41 +0000

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