WHAT IS TRUTH..?? `````````````````````````````` This was - TopicsExpress


WHAT IS TRUTH..?? `````````````````````````````` This was Pilates question for the ages: What Is Truth..?? (John 18:38) Gods Word is Truth--not just a truth, but THE Truth (John 14:6; 17:17 w/Psalm 40:7, same as Heb. 10:7). In every verse there, Truth is singular, because there IS only ONE Truth, the ONLY begotten Son of God, Christ Jesus. It has been said that the Truth hurts, and this is true about Truth (see John 17:17, again, w/Heb. 4:12). Anything as sharp as THE Truth is bound to cut now and then; it cuts away the fat and dead-weight of believers as well as prunes us that we bear more and better fruit (John 15:2). For non-believers, it cuts away the tangled-up mess they have embraced in place of the Truth, whatever that might be (so-called occult sciences; religionism in the form of Mormonism, Russellism, or other cults; materialism and worldliness, of which is no gain ultimately to anyone, etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum). The truth about Truth is, it only hurts if youre living a lie when it confronts you--but even then, only to whatever extent you ARE living that lie. The hurt is designed to heal (even those who are oblivious to their need of same). Any antiseptic is gonna sting a little when it comes into contact with agerm. Someone has said before, Thats just YOUR version of truth--what you put YOUR faith in. A fair-enough statement. But it also happens to agree with what Gods Word says about itself (John 17:17 again). And just because I know how to read it and understand what it tells me, that in no way implies that I had anything to do with writing it--it was written, settled and established long before I ever showed up (Psalm 118:89). Faith may be SUBjective, but Truth is OBjective. You have to draw the lines somewhere, else youre left with nothing but open horizons on all sides, totally defenseless against any doctrine of deceit that would seduce you to ultimate destruction--something any once-born human being is subject to. Once, you establish your boundaries, everything not within them is measured by everything else that is. Its the same way Bhuddists measure the Truth of Christianity, or that Moslems would measure Hinduism. You have to be planted somewhere. Else, your only alternative is to wander through the world as if on waves of a sea of confusion....aimlessly. All life on earth has an end to it Anyone can see that just by passing by any cemetery in their town. But life of the soul continues into eternity. As was put so eloquently by Michael Guido, Where you go hereafter depends upon whom you go after here. Jesus said we will know the Truth and the Truth will set us free (John 8:32). So where do we find the Truth that sets us free..?? In Gods Word (John 17:17--again). And Who (not what) is the Word of God..?? Jesus (John 1:1). Where do we then find Jesus..?? In the Bible--Gods Book (Psalm 40:7; Heb. 10:7). Its obvious that Pilate actually asked the wrong question; it should have been, WHO is Truth..?? And thought Truth was standing right in front of him, He must have known Pilate would not receive what he couldnt understand (like so many others in the world today and all throughout history: If I cant figure out God, then He must not exist..!!). Yeah...right. God has to be created in YOUR image before He can exist. :-\ What a crock-a-caca..!! (as some of my Mexican friends would say) Gods Word also tells us that in the last days, folx will be running around like a chicken with its head cut off (redneck rendering), ...ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth (II Tim. 3:7). The reason for that is they are LOOKING for it and the Truth aint an it--Hes a Who, named Jesus. And He stands ready to reveal Himself to anyone who really wants to know Him (Rev. 3:20). Be advised, though--you will never find ALL the Truth. Ever. Because there is no such thing as all of God (Rev. 1:8; 22:13). And Jesus IS God (John 10:30).
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 15:35:48 +0000

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