WHAT IS URP? DOES SUCH AN ENTITY STILL EXIST IN KENYA? I was reading through the Kenya daily nation as always and I came across a news piece entitled, URP leaders tell off Isaac Ruto. The first question which came to my mind is what is URP? The next question was, does such an entity still exist in Kenya? I know that URP party, the party that was led by DP William Ruto existed until the march 2013 elections after which it closed shop, took their website offline, the urp.co.ke. and was swallowed into the Government. The Government as emphasized by DP Ruto belongs to all Kenyans, will serve all Kenyans and will listen to all Kenyans. Party politicking ended in March 2013. So anyone telling you to quit URP e.t.c is out of touch with reality or believes in Santa Clause. My friends URP nolonger exist in reality. It only exists in the minds of those who always fall into the trap or want to use it as a scarecrow against others. Have you heard about Ole Kaparo, the man who is suppose to be URP chairman? He has chosen to become selectively mute. Or did you visit URP office near you for any service recently? If so then I am wrong. The only things that exist in reality, keep starring at us and must be addressed in one voice by our political leaders are our problems as Wananchi. These include poor roads, 50 percent unemployment, the implementation of the constitution, lack of access to quality health, insecurity across the country and rising cost of living. Kalenjin leaders who are so into fights and threats to expel others from political parties which do not exist anymore should be redirected to focus on coming together to solve the real problems affecting common citizens. Its not our priority as citizens whether so and so is loyal to this or that party. Why? These parties are not organized to champion our causes in parliament or outside of it. They are only formed to propel political elites to power. We were in KANU and ran out of it because apparently the owners came and took their party away. But our problems never ran away from us. We were in ODM and we ran away from it because the owners came and chased us away we were told. But our problems as Wananchi stuck with us. We ran to UDP and stayed there for less than three months before we bolted out. Again the undemocratic owners chased us away. As always our issues as Wananchi stayed with us. We formed URP and merged with TNA to win the 2013 elections. Now we are engaging in shouting marches at each other, threatening others with expulsions from URP and organizing mob rallies against those with divergent vies within the coalition. Guess what? The problems affecting Wananchi have not changed political parties since 1963. Hunger is still hunger, unemployment is still unemployment, insecurity and cattle rustling is still real, poor roads are still poor roads, pathetic healthcare facilities are still starring at us confidently and many more. In fact the political elites have decided not to look at these shameful roads again by opting to fly in helicopters. Hopefully the roads in the sky will become too rough for them soon so that they can come back to our realities. Its time we focus on those issues and leave non existent political parties until election time. By that time the new entities will have been formed and dead end movements like URP e.t.c will still be dead and can be found in the previous web address which is now a dead link, urp.co.ke. Lets unite behind real issues folks, dont fight over dead end movements. We have 200,000 kids who did not secure a place in high school. What should we do with them? This is a question that must be itching in our minds among many real issues. As DP Ruto said, the government belongs to all of us, serves all of us, and we as people must respect our unity in diversity. As always the unlearned villager from Tungtung village, Lembus Kiptoim yaani Mogotio.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 08:34:30 +0000

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