WHAT IS iT WITH RADIO? Please for my friends and members who might - TopicsExpress


WHAT IS iT WITH RADIO? Please for my friends and members who might be working at radio stations, I apologize. But this is becoming too alarming what is going on in our local radio stations. For the common man, the radio serves as a means for affordable education. It could equally serve as parents for those who might not have the luxury of being parented. The radio is the modern town crier, it keeps you totally informed, it tells you to run when you ought to run and informs you when there is no cause for alarm. The radio has grown to be trusted by millions of people worldwide to keep them abreast of what is happening in the economic world, the political sphere, international and local issues to say the least. The radio has often become mans second closest companion after mobile phones and PDAs and in some cases the primary since more gadgets have radio built in. Hence for the so reason that radio has grown to be trusted by millions, there ought to be far more desirous attempts by those whose responsibilities it is to keep up with the efficient and effective functioning of the radio and radio stations. At this stage of our nationhood, it ought to be utterly an ignominy that our radio stations cannot live up to their expectations. A situation where there is characteristically frequent breaks in transmission during important and national broadcasts and then have presenters sing apologies like secular music is completely laughable. A situation where information from radios which youre supposed to believe or trust turns out to be somewhat misleading leaves much to be desired. A situation where a presenter comes on air and in a bid to mention the name of the radio station, mistakenly mentions the name of another radio station in another state is simply wonderful, then what follows is a long playlist of songs to distract or divert the attention of listeners from the horrible error. A situation where a presenter reads the news in either English or vernacular and you wonder what kind of language he or she is reading the news in, where the words have been coined from and what kind of pronunciation it is, gets one totally dismayed. These among numerous other instances. As pointed out earlier, the radio has become trusted by more people, hence the Radio may have become more popular than other media. At work, one may not be able to read newspapers nor watch the TV but could listen to radio while he performs his or her duties. In the current epileptic system of power supply, its easier to have the radio powered by a cheap battery/cell than have a TV with same. Hence Radio is far more affordable especially in the current era of transistor radios which goes to show the basis for its popularity. Therefore genuine efforts should be geared towards the enhancement of radio productions. They should come in the form of training and retraining of presenters and news casters both in the use of grammar and proper pronunciations for proper and sound delivery of presentations. If presenters are newly employed or are transferred to other outlets, there should be arrangements on ground to ensure that they do not misrepresent the current station and thus misleading listeners. Efforts should be made to introduce technologies that would ensure that hitches are not felt by listeners even in event of power outages. When all these genuine efforts are made and consolidated upon, it would ensure the smooth running of radio programs and continued belief in the radio by the general public.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 01:01:31 +0000

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