WHAT IT IS TO BE A SEAMANS WIFE...... ( I saw this in the - TopicsExpress


WHAT IT IS TO BE A SEAMANS WIFE...... ( I saw this in the internet and I could not help to post this because this speaks alot of my agony as a seamans wife. I just make a little revision according to what I had experience.) Wonderful, beautiful, peaceful, and strong family life does not just happen. It is built with good foundation base on love, respect, humility, and prayer. Strong family ties based on trust....plete trust and respect for each other. Loving each other without inhibitions...no ifs...no buts.....without hatred...without envy...without criticisms, without jealousy, without judgment...just pure acceptance... No words could explain the loneliness.....the sadness...or was it the emptiness.... that we felt..after a month, or months of blissful moments of togetherness. No words could describe the inexplicable pains, the bitterness, anger, hatred, jealousy, even joys and laughter, tears and sorrows, the endless sacrifices and multiple frustrations we made through the days, weeks, months, and even years...as we, seamans wives continue to be...both loving mother and disciplining father ..to our growing kids... Because ..they...our husbands are not around, when we gave birth to our sons and daughters, when our baby first smile, and baby talk, and started to crawl, and stand, and fall, and tried to stand up again, when our kids graduated with honors, when they were in troubles, trying to find themselves where to really belong....where frustrations are hard to understand....and they need a father to explain why... It was hard...it was tough. ...we were fed up....Its always us...the wives..who fixed things at home... the leaking roofs, the dripping toilets, hammering the cabinets, painting the fence, fixing the electricity, repairing the broken locks, and many other simple things we did at home and more often than not....unappreciated....it was not right.....its always our fault..when things were not alright. Weve had enough....its unfair..its disgusting.....its awful...its not right...its....its the price we pay..for marrying a seaman, the mister right. Its not goodbye in the morning and goodnight in the evening, what a very abnormal life.......the lonely life of a seamans wife. .... However, I was fortunate to experience living with my husband inside the ship even for few days since he is not a captain but just an ordinary seaman. But in that few days I was able to see that life of my seaman husband is not a heaven place. Infact I call it a hell...oh how would I describe it?...a floating cell..and they are prisoners with no escape, a cage and they are like birds, a mountain and they are the hermits hiding beneath a cave. I was a living witness of how much our husbands felt and endured each day, how they work hard, no time to eat, no enough time to rest, how the big waves had robbed them of that precious sleep., how they sacrifice, a life in a floating cell, a life in a cage, a confinement ...a dreadful life...this desolate, idyllic earth, they call... a seamans ....home.... We dont realized how lonely they felt at night, when darkness enveloped their weary mind, too tired to even close their sleepy, drooping eyes...they couldnt sleep anyway, because their minds were weary of their troubled hearts, so worried of the family they left behind...with their tired bodies and stressful mind, they closed their eyes, and dream of us with deepest love....When the nights are cold ..its the pillow they hold, when they are sick, its our name they called, no one to prepare their favorite foods, no one to whisper their love ...untold...No one to talk to or just listen to..about their fears and agonies,too...In the middle of the sea, will they make it safe ashore......or... ? .just vanish without a trace in the middle of the storm.... And some of us .... where are we?...probably shopping, playing bingo or casino, even ballroom dancing with friends..and worst dating with someone else...And to justify our actions, we say we are but humans, and humans made mistakes,,,there is no such thing as long distance relationship.....well...let me tell you these.......we may be apart, maybe in distance but never in our loving hearts.... unfortunately.....the truth remains.....temptations are there....and they always come back...and we always forgive again...and again...and again... How many times, and how many more wives will be repeatedly betrayed...and how many more husbands will be tempted by wicked whores...and the so called ambitious, unscrupulous women, pretending to be morally decent, but indecent anyway...taking advantage of your loneliness....wanting you for your money.....trying hard to believe, they forget the wife behind.....shame on them..for trying hard to wreck our marriage, and tried to break our hearts.. Wives...dont let them win...fight for what is legally and rightfully ours, with all our might....for our kids...because its not love...its just lust....there is no place for a jealous wife in a seamans lives....Frustrations may be hard to understand....and forgiveness difficult to find.......Life may be tough..but its beautiful.....Its worth saving for.....We were trusted with a name, dignity and honor...the least we could do is to keep our family intact, and protect the good name of that family. Lets face it..we care ...so we share. We both sacrifice. No one is to be blamed....but we have everything to gain...when we see our growing kids reaching their goals and fulfill their dreams...and become successful in their chosen field of endeavor...and...then... its only then that we can look back and laugh at things...good we have surpassed the trials and the pains...of thinking we almost lost someone we hold dear....The fruits of all our sacrifices will be a rewarding moments of togetherness...as we grow old and gray.....as we joined our hands and look straight in the eye....and say Lets journey together...more...and build our dreams again ........with peace and satisfaction...with contentment and happiness.......till the end...... YES being a Seamans wife is not just all luxury, infact its full of misery.....but because of our LOVE for each other... no matter what is the distance...No one can conquer that 4 letter words called LOVE. Love for us as couple and the Love for our precious family.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 04:53:15 +0000

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