WHAT KEEPS US BACK? Many times we are held back by a sense that - TopicsExpress


WHAT KEEPS US BACK? Many times we are held back by a sense that we are simply not good enough, talented enough or smart enough to do what we want to do. We pray for G-d to free us from the eternal chains that bind us. Self-confidence sterns from confidence in Him. It is not we alone who do the work. The work is done by Him who is within us. Money has in appropriately become the bottom line in todays society. There is nothing wrong with money. Like everything else, it can be used for purposes of healing or purposes of destruction. It isnt evil to make money. Internal abundance produces external abundance. Purity does not mean absence of cash. It means that you desire for money to be in your life to whatever extent and in whatever way it could serve G-ds purposes. What has been used to oppress can be used to heal. Seek us first the kingdom of Heaven. This country is literally falling apart from lack of wisdom, lack of centeredness, and lack of grace. We are so completely drunk on the cacophonous, hysterical stimulus of our popular culture, we have little appreciation left for the sounds of genuine beauty, much less silence.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 16:26:44 +0000

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